Recent content by tiggerlovesme

  1. T

    Full Mth Celebration/Baby Shower - Preparation/Resources/Planning/Venue

    Personally, i felt after 1 month. I became more or less settled into the rountine of being a mummy. I havent really put much thought to my baby's full month celebration. I just let my MIL take care of tht =D Surviving the first month and transitioning into a mum was one of the toughest thing i...
  2. T

    Baby's Messiest Moments!

    After reading the blog by Celeb Mum, May about her baby's messiest moments. I also decide to start a thread to get the rest of the mummies to share theirs!
  3. T

    anyone has taken their babies for proper swimming classes?

    Ooh well i intend to bring the baby to condo pool. So no lifeguards. However, my query is, is the huggies swim diapers good? Or are there other brands i can try?
  4. T

    baby fusses and cries over let down

    This seem to be a common problem with new mums. It can get overwhelming for mummies when their lil buddle of joy do not warm up to breast feeding as readily as they thought. I read on this blog even Jaymee Ong had problems at the initial stage after childbirth. So mummies just take...
  5. T

    anyone has taken their babies for proper swimming classes?

    Hi mummies, I also have a query about swimming. I always have been an avid swimmer i will love to start my baby young. So my question is should my baby go with just trunks , wear regular diaper or use those swim diapers like the Huggies little swimmers? I read it here that using the...
  6. T

    Inuovi Makeup sale - Anyone interested to go?

    Hi Mummies Just found out! But need to register at the website to get the invitation first. so please rem to do tht. Cos i got mine already =) Inovi is having makeup sale at its fareast plaza and suntect outlets! Yeah more makeup to grab =) Need to go to this page: I Nuovi...
  7. T

    Which disposable diaper good for night use?

    Hi, I trying to get my baby to sleep thru all nite but he always wet his diaper and that wakes him up cos he feels uncomfortable. It driving me nuts as well getting up changing him then trying to get him to bed takes another hr or two. I read here...
  8. T

    Any mummies trying for 2011 baby?

    Anyways im curious, how long of trying did it take before any one of u conceive? My sis's got pregnant after 6 months. I read on Jaymee Ong's blog : Baby connections - providing moms and mom-to-bes with a comfortable place to call their own Celebrity Blog- Jaymee hers took like 8 mths...
  9. T

    Celeb Mum's May Teh's Blog

    Has anybody else seen May Teh's blog on here I didnt event know she was married and now she had a baby girl! I have attached her pic . She is the one half of the MTV VJ twins, May & Choy. I remember seeing her in the movie, 881 [/IMG]
  10. T

    Baby Diapers?

    I stumbled upon a website that is doing contest that givesaway one month worth of Huggies Diapers! Huggies Dry Comfort Giveaway! I joined it as well, it is pretty easy to join, i just used my facebook account =) It isnt like other contest, where u know u have to send this in and that. So...
  11. T

    Hi All

    Hi all, i just stumbled upon this forum while googling! I see alot of like-minded mummies here! so i decided to join!
  12. T

    Watches - what are you wearing and what would you like to have?

    I just graduated from University, so dont have much cash to invest in watches as of yet! But my dream watch is from Mouawad, i saw it at the mouwad store at the Fullerton. I'm eyeing on this baby here! It is a 6k diamond watch =) Haha. Well i'm hoping i will win the lucky draw they are...