Recent content by xiaoxiao

  1. X

    My gal cry until lips change colour

    hi, my gal pd checked and tested her oxygen level, everything is fine for her.... doc say children will outgrows of them...
  2. X

    Not biting or chewing food

    hi laynee, just to share my gal on and off throw out rice or other solid food that given to her recently , check with pd and he mention if my gal keeps on dislike lumpy food...might need to refer her to kk hospital feeding clinic..but just discover my gal viomit out food with phlegm so i hope...
  3. X

    My gal cry until lips change colour

    hi ace wonderland and Ting, thanks.... am bringing my gal for check the viomit part , teacher tell me today my gal viomit again when drinking milk and alot of phlegm came hope this is the cause for all the viomiting recently..... will let know again after my gal check...
  4. X

    My gal cry until lips change colour

    my gal pediatrician reply my email said when children cry, they may breath hold and they may turn blue, some children even faint and fit (cause by breath holding attacks) so this is not uncommon in children. Glad to hear what he said but still i will bring my gal for a check to play...
  5. X

    My gal cry until lips change colour

    my gal is not a crying baby before attend childcare, she consider quite a cheerful gal. Hope what she behave now due to separation anxiety. She want the teacher that attending to her to be always beside her and when the teacher go away to attend something else she will cry lor once another...
  6. X

    Gal poo with very soft stool

    hi Ting, my gal hardly everyday poo... may be i gave her too much veg in her porridge, will monitor her further...tks. My gal now got alot of prob , she can't eat well with rice or other harder solid food, sometime keep inside mouth refuse to swallow and sometime even viomit out the food and...
  7. X

    My gal cry until lips change colour

    My gal is in childcare since last mths and recently her teacher highlighted to me that when my gal cry, at first she's like want to cry out but without voice then when cry out her face will turn very red and lips become light blue colour, when teacher quickly comfort her ,very fast she will cool...
  8. X

    Gal poo with very soft stool

    but my gal only poo with this kind of ''texture" one time a day or every few day.... constipation worry for her, too watery also scare anything wrong.
  9. X

    Gal poo with very soft stool

    Hi, my gal is 19mths now. She used to have constipation with very hard stool and due to she also a fussy eater , last months I changed her milk powder to Pediasure complete. Since then her constipation prob did improve. But the stool become very soft and quite watery, at time even leak out from...
  10. X

    baby refusing milk

    Hi My baby was once like that when she abt 5 mths plus she keep reject the milk that I gave her and cry if I force her, although only one day but already scare me out. Then my hubby guess might be the milk powder taste different..cos happen he heard friend say some supermarket or store aircon...
  11. X

    Morning bath or evening bath?

    My gal bath ard 9 plus in the morning since birth until she is abt 6 mths old , I bath her twice but evening bath after her meal abt 6 plus. When she starts to awake early, I would bath her ard 8am.
  12. X

    Am i feeding my baby too much?

    hi, my gal 11 mths old ..she must have something in hand to play with then she will eat more.... usually she will only eat abt 3 quarter of porridge , if u try to give more she is like want to voimit liao ...everytime make me few time really voimit out...don't noe wat to do with her...
  13. X

    Helo..everyone, I am new here.

    hi akachan and babymoon, me took one year no pay leave to care for my gal gal ..working 24/7 ....more shag then work sometime....but see her smile it just melt my heart lor .... abit hesitate abt putting her at childcare .... but no choice must earn money for her future ....
  14. X

    Helo..everyone, I am new here.

    Helo everyone, I am new here. A mummy to 11 mths old girl. Presently full time taking care of her until next year then will be back to work again.