Recent content by yanyann

  1. Y

    EDD Mar 2014

    went for my 12w scan on monday and realized baby isn't growing and there isn't any heartbeat anymore. i just pray i'll be fine and i'm just here one last time, to wish all of you a blessed pregnancy and a happy one as well.
  2. Y

    EDD Mar 2014

    i'm not a milk person. actually i don't drink or touch milk at all. but now i've started on Demex Mamil Mama and its actually not that bad. quite nice actually.
  3. Y

    EDD Mar 2014

    got mine from mothercare, 20ish bucks.
  4. Y

    Prenatal Yoga

    am keen also. keep me updated :D
  5. Y

    EDD Mar 2014

    Newly pregnant. Found out 23/7 and am 7 weeks along. EDD 23 March 2014 :) 2nd gynae appointment this saturday to hear my baby's heartbeat. so excited!