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  1. Q

    How to sleep...

    Haha I hope my hubby doesn't get ousted off the bed when I do that!
  2. Q

    How to sleep...

    I guess tt;s why many mums end up being so anal over their kids...cos of all this suffering we go thru when we're carrying them! :err:
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    How to sleep...

    As with many pregnant mothers in the third trimester, I'm having major problems with finding a comfortable sleeping position. (I'm 36 weeks) I know many experts recommending sleeping on the left side, tucking a pillow here and there, etc.... which I do. Problem is, subconsciously I stay in the...
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    Enterpreneurship course

    You can see more info on From what I understand the program goes for as long as you want until you are 21 yrs. After which it doesn't really stop there either, jus that instead of attending the Course you prob would have become one of their staff, started your...
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    Enterpreneurship enrichment course

    Well it's only $80 a month (so much cheaper than a lot of enrichment classes), and I think the benefits long term (not to mention earning her own keep) outweighs many things else. Like you say, there are many things we can instill from home, but i think my kid needs to go out, "see the world"...
  6. Q

    Enterpreneurship course

    I'm thinking of sending my teenager to this entrepreneur course I heard of. Apparently they teach business skills, finance & management skills, the kids get to meet industry professionals and embark on actual community or enterprise projects. Interestingly, they also instill confidence, speech...
  7. Q

    Enterpreneurship enrichment course

    Hi all, need your opinion on something... I'm thinking of sending my child to this entrepreneur course I heard of. Apparently they teach business skills, finance & management skills, the kids get to meet industry professionals and embark on actual community or enterprise projects...
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    Enterpreneurship course

    From what I heard it is up to 21 years old. But it's not like they can ONLY graduate at 21... you can drop out anytime (of cos it's your choice), and they want to offer this course for as long as your "youth" lasts. And it doesn't end after 21 either. I think they will most likely employ you, or...
  9. Q

    parents still treat me as a kid =(

    I think you should be straightforward with them, sit them down and tell them honestly how you feel. Let them know that while you want to learn from their parenting experiences, you are also mature enough to make your own decisions. Nagging is one thing, but I think this is a bit too much as...
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    Enterpreneurship course

    I'm thinking of sending my teenager to this entrepreneur course I heard of. Apparently they teach business skills, finance & management skills, the kids get to meet industry professionals and embark on actual community or enterprise projects. Interestingly, they also instill confidence, speech...