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  1. jas16

    EDD (September 2009)

    Hi ladies, its been so long since I logged into this thread.. seems like everyday is a full day. My daughter is 9.5 mths. She's doing great! She crawls everywhere and loves to stand. She pulls herself up on anything and walks bit by bit with support from playcage or house furniture. I've been...
  2. jas16

    Difficult MIL, I need therapist

    Thank you girls.. I thought I was unreasonable, I'm so glad I seem normal. Well, what happens is my husband notices my discomfort and steps in to negate it straight away. So there was once we brought dd out to Bugis when she was 6 mths, of course I had no chance to carry her throughout, next...
  3. jas16

    Difficult MIL, I need therapist

    I know there are many difficult mother-in-laws out there. In comparison, mine to many may seem like a good deal even as we do not stay with her. The fact is, my husband cannot deal with her as well and he agrees she's difficult. We both agreed that dd will not be taken care of by her and we...
  4. jas16

    EDD (September 2009)

    Hi mums, I have a problem with my daughter.. she vomits once or twice a day. We suspect its because she drinks too much milk. My trouble is, she would keep crying and as a last resort, I would offer her breastfeeding which solves it, but sometimes, she pukes. I haven't put her on pacifier yet...
  5. jas16


    Hi, my baby hiccups very often too.. but it goes away after a while. My paedaetrician Dr Keoy from TCM advises to feed water, not in large amounts but if offered and she takes, let her drink some for hiccup.. I've heard versions to feed and not to feed, but what I do is to offer only sometimes...
  6. jas16

    Nursing Bra

    Hi, I think you should wear good nursing bras. These help support your breasts and milk flow, so it doesn't matter that you're not breastfeeding..
  7. jas16

    durian allowed during confinement?

    I was just given durian by my mum, did C-sect too.. but I also secretly drank some coke.. weather's killing me..
  8. jas16

    Medela Swing or Mini electric

    I'm using a Evenflo electric double pump, my baby sleeps through the noise next to me.. Its great because I can pump simultaneously, which cuts down a lot of time.. what i'll do to drain the milk or release engorgement is to massage before expressing, which is better done by yourself because you...
  9. jas16

    Baby keep cry and cry I Duno what she wants!

    Hi, I have the CD from this doctor too, its a recording of heartbeats which may put your baby at ease as all she/he hears for 9 mths is within your body, you may want to give this a try. I read in a book,to learn what the different crying sounds mean, I realise baby's not too fussy with soiled...
  10. jas16

    Hospital charges for TMC

    hi girls, i just gave birth last week..mine turned out to be a LCST-C sec, half body epidural.. When I was admitted, hospital was full, so we got them to give us deluxe at one-bedded price. Stayed for 3 days , my bill came up to $6k+ medisave deduct $3950, total deposit I placed with Gynae and...
  11. jas16

    EDD (September 2009)

    hi.. have you tried massaging before expressing and breastfeeding? i had to do that for breast engorgemt and milk flowed faster after that. you shd try taking more milk and cook fish with papaya (soup), and winter melon boiled with chicken, these help increase milk.. can i ask if any mummies...
  12. jas16

    EDD (September 2009)

    Hi Girls, I think I have to shift over, my baby daughter came earlier on 23rd September..
  13. jas16

    Dear all, Pls help.. Where can I engage a good & affordable Private Investigators?

    Re: Dear all, Pls help.. Where can I engage a good & affordable Private Investigators Hi Mummybaby, Could I suggest that perhaps your husband is also stressed by the lack of potential leads and since you have a baby, he could feel the financial burden more. Actually, it could be reasonable...
  14. jas16

    Teeth Gum Problem during Pregnancy??

    Hi, I experienced bleeding whenever I brush my teeth ard 32 weeks. I attributed it to heatiness of the body and carried on with my brushing and eating. Now at 37 weeks, its much better, in fact, not much bleeding. I hope yours will stop soon as well. Meanwhile, drink more water and not eat...
  15. jas16

    Which brand Breast pump to buy?

    Hi, I got a 2nd hand Avent manual from my cousin, but I recently spoke with a friend who's nursing her baby and she says expressing takes about 20-30 mins each side.. so she strongly recommends dual electric pump. I'm going to keep the manual as emergency should the electric one not work...
  16. jas16

    Final Shortlist - Dr Adelina Wong and Dr Chua Yang

    I'm going to Adelina Wong, she's friendly and calm. Goes through proper explanation of tests goals and results.. she's actually away during my week 36, 37 but she made provisions by having Dr Khi check up on me, appreciate that.. Generally, her package includes the basic ultrascans, monthly...
  17. jas16

    TMC current visiting policy

    I think its better to keep a few spare disposable diapers at home. I've kept the free sample ones to try as well, handy in case I need and too busy to buy straight after delivery.. anyhow, many people recommend mamypoko and nepia..I bought Huggies when I was in Malaysia, 52 pcs for $12..I...
  18. jas16

    When do you start taking maternity leave?

    yup, im feeling more tired prob works better for me to go on ML in my week 39..its so unfair that your boss says you can only go on the day of delivery.. some people's pregnancy is more difficult than others.. goodness, not like 4 months is going to change whether u take earlier or later..
  19. jas16

    When do you start taking maternity leave?

    Hi Ladies, I would like to know when you girls plan to take maternity leave? My EDD is 7 October but I'm already feeling tired and uncomfortable. My colleagues are suggesting I work until day of delivery, that doesn't seem too good to me, don't like to rush from work or worst, water bag burst...
  20. jas16

    EDD (September 2009)

    Oh yes, thats what my nurse says as well.. So clever of them.. But I'm a bit disappointed that 2 bedded doesn't allow Husband to stay..might just go for the single bedded..don't want to be alone..