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    Anyone have Endometrosis before?

    Hi I just had my laporoscopy done and gynae mentioned i got endo. Was reading thru the posts... medication to control endo got any side effects? Also does removal of the womb help eliminate endo altogether?
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    MRI or CT scan

    My gal had an MRI done at KKH. i have not heard about side effects of CT scan though.
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    Insurance coverage for your children

    Hi KJ Mummy If you are in KKH, why dont u see the medical social workers for downgrade to Class C. Then going fwd, all your bills will fall under the subsidized category. The drawback, you will never get to see the senior consultants again. We had Dr Janice Wong, then Dr CT Choong.. but...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    me too.... everyone in the clan expecting to see a new addition in the family. I am so so tired of relating what happened... and people start asking me if i did things wrong during my pregnancy for this to happen to my child. i wish i can dig a hole and hide.
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    Accepting my own Gal

    it's not u... no need to feel sorry.
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    Accepting my own Gal

    well.... u are not alone... I feel bad as well. Up till today, no doctor can explain what led to my gal's condition. How she got severe brain injury despite the short birthing time... even when she passed on, the doctors only told me it's her brain injury. No one can give me a definite...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    Yvonne, Be strong. It's perfectly normal to have these roller coaster emotions. The "hurt" is still raw for you. It has only been 1 month. Mummies on this thread have mentioned they take months to "heal". The sad feelings returns from time to time too... We are human after all. For me...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    Hi Yvonne At KKH, u may like to get the doc ref your gal for palliative care program. The team (comprising of clinician n doctors) will visit your gal at home (free of charge) on weekly basis.. and helps provide tips on caring for her. My child was under that program. They came by each week...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    Dear Yvonne, I empathise, really. During my darkest moments, i hang on to this forum to find the emotional support i so needed. Trust me... many times during the day, i login to read the posts over n over again to find strength. (i guess u are doing the same now) While u spend time with...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    Yvonne, My thots are with you and your gal. Hope everything turns out well on Monday. In the meantime, you need ample rest, k
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    Accepting my own Gal

    u are not alone... i did have thots to send her to a home or even giving her up for adoption. I guess it's normal... some of us takes long or nvr accept the cruel thing that happened to our children.. and we are left with a shattered dream, not to mention all the effort rqd to provide for our...
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    Accepting my own Gal

    Hi Yvonne I have been reading your posts. First thing, i noted you are not resting during confinement... you have been shuttling around. U must take good care of yourself, ok On your concern about elder gal taking care of mei mei, she will definitely love mei mei. Children are more...
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    Insurance coverage for your children

    Hi KJ Mummy From what i was told, too young also cannot be insured. The insurance companies do not accept. As far as my research goes, there are no insurance plans for special needs children. I agree with Mummy to Baby Very. Financial planning is very critical. U may like to check out this...
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    Anyone had Stillbirth?

    Hi Please do take care of yourself. You are definitely not alone. U may like to read the articles from this webby. Welcome to Child Bereavement Support
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    Amniotic Fluid Embolism?

    Hi Anyone had this condition before and subsequently went on to have other pregnancies?
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    Endometrial hyperplasia or polyps

    Uterine Polyps Polyps are relatively common amongst women between the ages of 20 and 50. Typically they cause no symptoms, although they can occasionally bleed, triggering pain and cramping. Uterine polyps can sometimes also interfere with infertility. What are Uterine Polyps? Uterine...
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    Endometrial hyperplasia or polyps

    Hi Satelite I saw your thread after opening up one on the same subject. I have the same condition as u and i only found out yesterday when i went for a detailed scan. So u are not alone. Spoken to the gynae. He told me uterine polyps can remove using a laproscopy .. (day surgery)...
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    Preconception Checkups- Uterine Polyps n Cyst

    Hi Anyone did the above or have experienced surgery to remove uterine polyps?
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    Anyone got pregnant soon after Miscarriage?

    Thanks... i am trying very hard.
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    Anyone got pregnant soon after Miscarriage?

    Shiseru, I have been reading your posts.... CONGRATS!!! Must start taking good care of yourself from now on.