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  1. W

    EDD april 2010 :)

    Mine is a daughter. It hasn't been a problem expressing breastmilk for me (always have excess, then store in freezer) She always cry to seek for attention!! I am going to work in 2 weeks time, still looking for babysitter :(
  2. W

    Anyone need babysitter in Choa chu kang during weekend?

    how about weekday afternoon? please email me @
  3. W

    Anyone done calculation on Baby's Birthdate & Time?

    My father-in-law will calculate for us. He say buy the book from popular bookstore can already. Mine should be natural birth, so he say wait till baby is out then he start calculating.
  4. W

    My ex bf is getting married and I'm upset???

    How about ex gf?? My hubby's ex gf came back from overseas and want to patch up with him. They broke up for quite some time and we are already married with a baby. He refused to tell her that he is married, worried that she will be sad. Somehow she found out and tried to befriend me!! Evil...
  5. W

    Can pai pai when doing confinement?

    My mother in law say it's ok to go temple or church, just that we where got time to go. The little baby will cry every few hours, might as well spend the time at home to catch some quality sleep.