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    Edd - July 2010

    Hello mommies!! I think I am the 2nd to pop! My prince has decided to arrive 2 weeks early on Jun 26th at Raffles Hospital weighing 2.8kg. :wong19:
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    Edd - July 2010

    Actually I am resting at home now till I deliver in July, so killing time by planning & looking for a venue to hold the full month celebration in Aug. EIther will be holding at the club house/some resturant/other venues. I am still coming up with the guest list & then plan around our budget...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Hello kujiramama, My EDD also falls on July 7th, & will be delivering my prince at raffles hospital. Is your gynea Dr Heng TL from Eastshore? Mine is Dr. Lai from Camden medical. i am definitely feeling more emotional & weepy lately. Getting tougher to cope with work in the office. I find...
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    Anyone stopped work during pregnancy?

    Were you bleeding at week 26 & was it considered hospitalization leave? If so, were you admitted to the hospital during that time? Thanks for sharing more...:)
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    EDD July 2010

    Hello there! I think it's good to have confinement lady especially if you are a first time mom. My MIL has helped me book CL (from m'sia) in my 2nd month of pregnancy because it's pretty tough to find a good and reliable one. We were actually put on "waiting list" at first and she charges...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Hello mummies! Today went for my week 30 gynea visit, and everything looks good. Baby's head is now in downward position, & he weighs about 1.3kg. Definitely feeling the pressure on my bladder a lot more lately and feeling alittle more aches here & there. Sleep has been good so far, except...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Wah that's good! So far I have already put on 8kg at 25 weeks & have not seen any stretchmark yet..keeping my finger cross xxxxx... :) I also do not have MS or vomiting at all, but I do feel nausea during the 1st trimester and also some pimple outbreak. Now that they are gone, I am feeling...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Did you put on a lot of weight so far? Check out this video on how to prevent getting more stretchmarks. Do you feel down or have terrible mood swings or hot flashes at all? YouTube - Pregnancy Tips : How to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy
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    Edd - July 2010

    I am also nervous abt getting those unslightly stretchmarks cos I have some whitish line at the side of my butt. I guess damage control is what we can do for now. Seen my gynea yesterday and told him I had pretty bad mood swings starting last week and he gave me vitamin B complex to help lift...
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    Edd - July 2010

    You sound kinda stressed out but it's good to let it all out!! Our due date is just a few days apart and so far I am enjoying my pregnancy, except for some of downs that all of us have to cope with. You can get the stretchmark cream at Robinson cos they are having 20% sale and if are a member...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Hello pooof! what a cute nick :) How far are you in your pregnancy? I am exactly 24 weeks today and so far I have not't got those nasty stretchmark yet. Most of the itch comes from my back and my colleague told me his wife got stretchmark on her lower back, so I am also applying cream in that...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Just want to know if anyone has started to develop stretchmark and when did you start to see them? So far my tummy is feeling taut and slight itchiness especially at night. My back feels itchy at times too so I apply stretchmark cream to reduce the itch. Some of my friends say they have...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Wow it's great to hear from so many mommies out there! There's so much things to share that I dunno where to start..haha! Ok let me start off with my week 20th checkup. Everything is going well for me & my baby boy, except my gynea said I put on slightly too much weight at week 20. He said...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Happy Golden Tiger Year to all mummies out there! Hey Missymic! I have pretty bad pimple outbreak (face, & back) during my 1st trimester, & I noticed that my skin was really oily and my pores clogged easily. But now that I am in my 2nd trimester, my skin has become dryer and the pimples get...
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    Edd - July 2010

    I am in my 19 weeks and for the 1st time I am down with flu. Was given 2 days MC to rest at home cos doctor didn't wan me to take too much medicines. So got to rest more instead to recover. I am glad I feel so much better today. Manage to go for a half hour stroll after dinner and will be...
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    Anyone feel tired through out the whole pregancy?

    I am 18 weeks now, and I have regained some energy becos most of the 1st trimester symptoms are gone. I felt really tired, weak and sleepy most of the time during 1st trimester and I have to sleepy by 9pm most nites. Right now, I've started going to the gym again for light exercise or just...
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    Edd - July 2010

    Hello mommies, I had my 16weeks scan 2weeks ago and it's confirmed I am going to have a boy!! I found out the gender during my 12 weeks scan, and my gynea can tell it's a boy by looking at the spine of the baby, even tho he is not 100% sure at that time. I am glad to know the sex of my bb so...
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    can a radiographer tell baby's gender before 20 wks?

    I am a first time mom and my gynea is able to detect my baby's gender (a boy!) at 12weeks by looking at the spine but gynea said he is not 100% sure until the next scan at 16 weeks. So at my 16weeks scan, my gynea confirmed I am having a baby boy!! So yes! You can detect your baby's gender...
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    What you mummies eat during preg ? :)

    Hello!! BF: Veggies/fruits smoothies daily must have + a slice of bread or bun from bakery store & daily prenatal multi-vit & calcium & fish oil. Teabreak: A sandwich or munch on some cookies/cut fruits Lunch: Foodcourt/hawker center Teabreak: Cookies or buns Dinner: Eat out or homecook...
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    When will baby starts kicking me???

    I am a first time mom and I felt my baby first "kick" at week 16 & 3 days while I was surfing internet yesterday nite. I believe I have felt the same tapping type of feeling few days back but I wasn't sure, but now it is getting more & more obvious lately. I felt my baby tapped a few times today...