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  1. P

    Change of poo poo pattern after introducing solid

    Hi mummies, My girl is fully breastfed. She start eating solid food when she is around 6mths. I noticed that her poo poo became dry not as watery as before. She only managed to poo poo 2-3 small pieces after 5days. Is this normal for a breastfed n having solid food baby?
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    Breastmilk supply decreasing after 8mths

    Hi, My girl is 8mths now. I always latch on direct but today I happen to pump out my milk. I realized that I can only pump out less than 1oz in 8mins. 3mths ago, I still can pump out 4-5oz in 8mins. Is this normal? Or is my milk supply decreasing since my girl is having solid twice a...
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    Breakfast during confinement?

    Hi all, just curious what can we eat for breakfast during confinement? Normal bread etc?
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    Good fortune teller for baby names?

    Hi, Anyone have good recommendation for fortune teller for baby names?
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    Anyone pregnant woman use essential oil burner during pregnancy?

    Hi ladies, anyone used essential oil or home fragrance during pregnancy? I got use my burner for essential oil or home fragrance in my bedroom... Can anyone advise whether is it harmful?
  6. P

    Anyone burn essential oil during pregnancy?

    Hi ladies, anyone used essential oil or home fragrance during pregnancy? I got use my burner for essential oil or home fragrance in my bedroom... Can anyone advise whether is it harmful?
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    Good Pre-natal massage to recommend

    Hi, Any good pre-natal massage to recommend? Just fyi, I have a dog at home....
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    Anyone use medicated oil during pregnancy?

    Hi, anyone use medicated oil during pregnancy? I used almost everyday, due to headache, leg cramp and stomach cramp... Is it safe to use during pregnancy?
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    Anyone stopped work during pregnancy?

    Anyone stopped work during pregnancy? Taking rest at home till EDD date?