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  1. T

    Where to repair my breastpump?

    Hi all mummies, My Avent pump is not working fine, where can i get it fixed? I got it from a second-hand sell, very cheap. So would like to check out the price of repair first before send it to repair.
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    Breast milk + formula

    Hi mummies, can I add formula milk powder (just powder, no water) to my expressed breast milk? My mom is saying my EBM is getting thinner, so she wants to add milk powder to it to thicken it. I don't think it is right as our breast milk is supposed to be just right for baby, adding milk powder...
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    Supply Drops?

    While i am nursing, the side that baby is not suckling leaked a lot. But i notice that it dosn't really leak while i am nursing these two days, does that mean my supply dropped? What can I do?
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    Hungry Sign

    Hi all mummies, How to tell baby is hungry? My baby is 10 weeks old, i don't see the rooting anymore. How can i know she is hungry? Now i end up offering my breast every hour. Don't think this is the right way. Please share your experience.
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    Is 10 weeks old baby getting enough milk?

    Hi All mummies, How can i tell if my 10wks old baby is getting enough milk? I have been total BF my dear daughter, direct latch on. Recently she changed her schedule, doesn't drink much during night. One diaper (Pampers) can last her from 7:30pm till next morning 9am. So if she doesn't poo, she...
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    6-8 wet diapers per day?

    Wetting 6-8 diapers a per indicates baby is getting enough milk. Can someone tell me if this means 6-8 pees per day? One diapers can have more than one time of pee.