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  1. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    hi had been missing awhile.. i totally agreed with piggyhui that auntiehood is arriving ha..but think we need to ajust ourselves as time goes ..lets all be pretty mummy:) Now my breast milk is alot for my girl already, i drinkalot of water n soup, beside that i drink Annum too, now i breast feed...
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    EDD Aug 2011

    Me too using neo garden, now they have this add on specially for bb shower. got 30 red eggs 50 ang gu kuey etc. all 88 dollars i think..had tried confinement food with chillipadi, their food also not bad..this sat will be my bb show, so excited, latr going to do pedicure..ha
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    EDD Aug 2011

    i like aprica too, but i like quinny n strokee best..but too ex, brought capella instead, me too dun like the design but i brought it coz 4 wheels able to turn, its just like the combi Miracle turn. that time got discount too.
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    EDD Aug 2011

    My bb is week 4 now i am feeding her time i latch on, after 6pm i use express BM, around 12am for night feed i use formula milk90ml (NaN 1 pro, heard that its the closest to breast milk, i choose this coz i want to build my bb body systems. Enfa grow heard thats drink already kids...
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    EDD Aug 2011

    Jovin, I try to pump every 3 hourly but realized sometimes manage to have 60ml for both breast.. dont know why my supply had drop, ai ya, very stressed
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    EDD Aug 2011

    same here, milk supply low, my girl can suck my breast (bothside for 45mins) after that around 2 hours hungry again, my supply not enough for her, she drinks faster than I pump..
  7. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    forgot is MDS or MDA, it's a online ladies clothing shop but now they got retails shop at wisma and PS
  8. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    I just had my bb infant pics by a photographer name carrie last mon, my bb very chanky, pee on our bed for 3 can check out my facebook pics
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    EDD Aug 2011

    Purpeace, Oh dear, you rest well ah, i saw your room @Thomson. i really regert getting 4bedded...when i saw your pics i was heaven ah! visitors got place to 4 bedded room was terrible, 2 of my room mate very sadz.. Day 1 after birth: was having slight fever..there were only 3...
  10. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Ha, my MIL know i am those modern and ang mo style i dun really keep to the confinement rules as long as i prove to her that i am healthy, i educated her that confinement rules is actually for old times china ppl whereby they got winter and need to keep themselves warm..i wash hair and...
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    EDD Aug 2011

    i think i call her and ask for 5 session n see how, my bb birthday is 22Aug, but MIL say birthday sat better and then cannot have belated birthday..i order confinement food for 21days(lunch n dinner) for me since day 1 i had been taking of bb myself, MIL only shower the bb and wash the laundary...
  12. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Congrats to all full month baby and mummies who finish confinement. mine will be next sat, 17 Sept:)
  13. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Purpace i havent contact massage lady to do..useful mah? coz i now already 2 weeks still can do a not? how many session u doing? they do it on the bed or mattress? Hows the concert?? must be very nice, i like zhang xue you too
  14. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Wah so good!! my confinement still got 2 weeks to go, my hip not big, now tummy big..binder seems no use leh..but my MIL very good, let me go out joyride at night..the 1st sat i even went east coast mac cafe with hubby:P.....i am longing to go MDS and buy clothes..but my tummy makes me lose...
  15. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    For the first 3 days i am very daring, wearing only speg and shorts, coz my sweat is really alot alot, then got auntie came an visit and told my MIL: AI YO, Yao SI LE, wear till like that , wait got wind ah...on the fourth day i really caught a little cold, after that i wore those auntie pyjamas...
  16. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Jovin, many say she looks like my hubby, chubby little girl..where is the pics of your prince?
  17. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    Girl, you are not alone..worst still, my MIL was wondering how come i am E cup but not much supply..sometimes i go 90ml, sometimes i got 60ml..i realise if the day i drank alot of water then my milk supply will come more, and 1 thing, got to massage the blockage very hard, then your milk can...
  18. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    We got the same prob here, i mixed the day latch on after then feed express milk, i always feel sleepy while latch on, so during night time i use milk supply also not very much sometimes got 90ml total, sometimes 60ml only..very tiring..more over MIL keep...
  19. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    My facebook
  20. S

    EDD Aug 2011

    U know ah i am so sad when i cam home the first day with baby, after that 2 days later i every night go joyride with hubby, i told my MIL i just sit in the car dun come now i everynight still got to go out awhile..but still in ah soh clothing..coz my tummy still there, cannot fit my nice...