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  1. S

    I need Part-Time helper for Punggol area

    hi I am looking for a helper to do general cleaning and ironing on an alternate week basis. Anyone can recommend a good and fast worker with reasonable charges willing to service Punggol area. thanks.
  2. S

    10mths old bb taking v little semi solids

    Well, looks like i just have to perservere and not be affected by the chubby babies i keep seeing around me...thks all for the assurances.
  3. S

    10mths old bb taking v little semi solids

    My boy is already 10mths old but he still eats like a beginner when it comes to semi solids. He started on semi solids at abt 6mths old, upto now even with feeding a few times each day,the total daily intake is only abt 2 tablespoons, i tried holding back the milk, providing food variety/...