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  1. L

    buying a home

    sorry. meant to say its sad. paiseh...:embarrassed:
  2. L

    buying a home

    my hubby is a property agent too. had problem with 1 ERA agent. its a divorce case n both parties can engage thier own property agent if they want to but this ERA agent is greedy. my hubby's client ex wife had signed exclusive with this agent n he die die wants my hubby's client to b under him...
  3. L

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    Assalamualaikum mommies.... Newbie here... baru bergelar mummy masuk 4 bulan besok....
  4. L

    Newbie here...

    Hello mommies.... I'm new here. A new mum indeed. My boy will be 4 mths old tomorrow.:Dancing_wub: