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  1. mumLike

    My 9mths old daughter only wants her milk

    A baby may seem picky for different reasons or no reason at all. It could be that he has an immature digestive system, which will surely cure itself with time. Or he might be teething, have food allergy, an infection or just may not be ready for solid foods yet. However, these signals don't...
  2. mumLike

    introduce solid food to baby

    Hi Jadie, Your baby is a toddler by now, we hope that he is healthy and well. By the way, in case she's kinda picky with food, here are some tips to help you through: Mum Tips for Picky Eating Toddlers
  3. mumLike

    Formula milk powder advice

    You may find some tips for breastfeeding and formula feeding in this help article: