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  1. Freedom

    Primary 1 Registration

    Hi All,Need some advise re.Primay 1 registration. We are in the midst of selling our house(North) and buying a new place nearer to my mum place (East).But,the paper work will only be completed in Aug. I understand that P1 registration start in Jun. What shall I do when iit comes to June ? Do...
  2. Freedom

    Very Tight around tummy

    Hi Mummies,any advice for me. Felt so tight around tummy each night. As if, baby is stretching inside,any time tummy can split open. At times, my belly button pop out a sharp side and feel very very sensitive when touch. Also, it itch so much on the tummy, due to the stretching. What can I...
  3. Freedom

    Pri 1 Registration

    Hi All, Advice pls I need to register DD in June. We are currently in process of getting a new place (nearer to my mum place) and can only officially considered owner in Aug. Hence, IC would still reflect present address that we are in search of buyer and hope to sell by Aug/Sep. How can I...