kids event

  1. conie choo

    Got Class For Kids

    Hi all, GotClass is filled with all the essential information for both parents and schools owner. With diverse sections, we cater to different kids with different aspects of education needs. Kindly visit Thanks...
  2. T

    June Holidays programmes to share

    Any mommies have any interesting june holiday programmes/events to share? Looking around for kids' events and workshops to bring my girl to. Found this event and seems fun and cheery. Making push-pop cake! Maybe can bring my girl there
  3. O

    PLAYtime Hello Adam - interactive theatre experience for 2 - 4 year olds.

    Skip into the Playground and join Adam as he runs, rolls, leaps and bounces. There’s so much to do in Adam’s playground! Hop and skip round and round and rock backwards and forwards with laughter as Adam clowns around. Join us at Hello Adam to learn some verbs and move your body in ways you’ll...
  4. S

    Kids Health and Wellness Fair

    Dear Mommies, City Square Mall’s annual Kids’ Health and Wellness Fair will be happening from 4 Oct to 3 Nov 2013. There will be plenty of exciting activities awaiting your kids so do come down and join us for a fun-filled day! 1.Lianhe Wanbao KidSports Bonanza Date and Time: 5 October...
  5. L

    Join our Children Talent Time Contest in June 2013!

    Hi Parents! Finding a good way to occupy your kids for the upcoming June School Holidays? SAFRA Toa Payoh is organizing a kids talent time contest for kids age 3-12 years old! Any form of talent is accepted! (singing, dancing, juggling, magic tricks, playing a musical instrument, puppetry...