
  1. T

    Easing labour, increasing breast milk and diet during pregnancy tips

    Just sharing these great articles: Dates-during-pregnancy-do-they-really-ease-labor? Eat-ajwa-dates-to-increase-breast-milk-supply safely and naturally 8-benefits-of-dates-during-pregnancy-is-it-safe-to-eat-dates-during-pregnancy Enjoy!
  2. Plushbabe

    Maternity shots, Prenatal Yoga for couples & more!

    Join us for an exciting afternoon of talks for both mommies and daddys-to-be this Saturday, 13 October 2012! Activities include: Complimentary maternity shoot Prenatal yoga (light excercise session for couples) Interesting and informational talks on birthing, and daddy's role during labour...
  3. H

    Tear naturally and not rather have an episiotomy

    Why Do Women Tear? The myths that purport to explain why women tear during delivery include a)the mother is too small; b)the baby is too large; and c)pushing happened too fast. One of the most important considerations is the mother's position during second stage (pushing). The popularly used...