5 Ways We Saved an Extra $18,000 in 1 Year

Jane Kokonut

New Member
2015 was THE year. THE year we understood FIRE can be real and we committed ourselves to achieve FIRE. What was life like before that? Well, we started off maintaining separate finances and we stayed out of each other’s hair when it came to how we spent money. When Mr.C and I got married in 2011, we then started a joint savings account. We committed to a certain amount of savings every month, although some months I didn’t make that number due to my excessive spending. I had a very busy social life. Big surprise there that your typical social activity is a money sucker!

Check the entire post out here --> https://www.sippingcoconuts.com/5-ways-we-saved-an-extra-18000/https://www.sippingcoconuts.com/5-ways-we-saved-an-extra-18000/