Appliances that are useful for Baby and Mother?


HI All,

I am thinking of getting either a juicer extractor/juicer or a slow cooker.

Any good brands to recommend? Do you all think its really necessary to get one of these? Hope it wont become a white elephant after some time.

Juicer/Extractor - Can make fresh fruit juice for myself and baby.

Slow Cooker - Can make soup during confinement and for porridge for baby.

Any other appliances do you all find useful and good to have for mother and baby? For use during confinement or preparing food for baby?


Hi Rukia, I've got both a juicer and slowcooker (bought before I had baby) and found that I hardly used the juicer during both pregnancies and for my boy. The slowcooker is very handy for cooking dinners especially if I plan to go out during the day so when I come home dinner is ready. I've never cooked porridge with it though, usually stews and soups.

Things like steaming food can be done over the stove, no need for fancy appliances. Also no need for blender as baby doesn't need blended up food for more than a week... but handy for making soups or smoothies.