Article: Tips to Getting Your Kids to Take Medicine


New Member
Yes, making your kid to take medicine is a real challenge for the majority of mothers. I know adult people who do not like taking meds either. It is better to avoid as much as possible giving antibiotics to children (only in very serious cases). Still, it is good to mask the tablets in food, drink and when they grow to make them understand that the meds can help improve their state of health...
hope I was of any help, my opinion at least!
Yes, making your kid to take medicine is a real challenge for the majority of mothers. I know adult people who do not like taking meds either. It is better to avoid as much as possible giving antibiotics to children (only in very serious cases). Still, it is good to mask the tablets in food, drink and when they grow to make them understand that the meds can help improve their state of health...
hope I was of any help, my opinion at least!

oh definitely...we certainly agree that if we can prevent giving medications and instead boost their immune systems and keep them healthy, then, let us do so.

Your opinion certainly matters to us. Thank you!


was quite stress giving my daughter medications these few days cos of the struggle and when u got to do it alone...but after reading this, i felt much better that i wasn't the only one going through this. i did the fake it until i make it method, its working gradually :)