Can BF bb immediately after ligation?


New Member
Hi mummies,

Ve a silly question to ask.

Would like to try to BF my 3rd child instead of pumping out the milk n bottle-fed him like wat i did for my 2 older ones. But i will be goin for ligation immediatly after birth.

Was wondering whether I can BF bb b4 I go for the ligation or do it after the ops? Would it be very painful on the ligation wound when u BF as I understand tat yr uterus will "contract" while u BF.

Frankly speaking, i m very skimish on the ligation ops than giving birth!!:err:Any mummies out can share their experiences w/ me??

Any mummies still go ahead for malay massage immediately after the ligation or wait for wound to heal? Pls advise. thks!!


Re: One half was left in a natural state while the other had its intelligence boosted

Why not? I also did my ligation after giving birth to my 3rd baby. Now I am still bf.


New Member
Dear Erjie,

You mentioned you pumped out milk for both your children, may I know how long did you manage to give them breastmilk for? I am also pumping out because of latching on problems but the supply is getting less after 2 months. How did you maintain the supply? Thanks.


New Member
Hi mummies,

Ve a silly question to ask.

Would like to try to BF my 3rd child instead of pumping out the milk n bottle-fed him like wat i did for my 2 older ones. But i will be goin for ligation immediatly after birth.

Was wondering whether I can BF bb b4 I go for the ligation or do it after the ops? Would it be very painful on the ligation wound when u BF as I understand tat yr uterus will "contract" while u BF.

Frankly speaking, i m very skimish on the ligation ops than giving birth!!:err:Any mummies out can share their experiences w/ me??

Any mummies still go ahead for malay massage immediately after the ligation or wait for wound to heal? Pls advise. thks!!
am also expecting my #3, haha, seems like the qns u asked are similar to what I had been finding out. Just sharing what I found....

1) Bfd after ligate: My gynae say can wor, as long as u wake up fm GA laio, but for the few hrs when under op, then cannot direct feed. As for pain, Dr says not as pain as childbirth, so won't feel additional pain. Anyway, I heard even if u wanna go for ligation immed after birth, it's also 6-8hrs later...

2) Massage: Massage will have to wait 2wks later, same as c-sect.



BMSG Moderator
eh.. ligation has to do with your tubes not your womb.. so shouldn't be an issue lor. Like other mothers here share.. only thing is that you'll start bfg later when you recover from GA.