Does having menses means I'm ovulating?


New Member
Dear mummies,
I'm partially bf my son (like once or twice a day just to put him to sleep) and my menses is not heavy and its just spotting a bit of blood/brownish discharge. Does this mean that I'm ovulating? Can I still conceive at this stage? Pls help..


I want to know too. Want to have my #2 baby, but my memses have not come yet, still bf my baby. All mummies, please share your experience :001_302:
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I juz gave birth my first baby in Aug this year, he is 10weeks+ now. Want to have #2 after he turns to ard 5-6weeks... Don't know if too fast to have #2 baby, but i'm not young already. :( Still bf my baby now, heard bf will delay menses, so interested to know if have menses does that mean ovulated.


You may or may not ovulate before your period comes. Best way is to check your cervical mucus before your period is due but this is a bit hard if your period is irregular as some breastfeeding mums find their period are irregular. If your cervical mucus becomes watery, clear and thin then you're most likely to be ovulating. If your cervical mucus is thick, cloudy and sticky this means you're not yet fertile so not ovulating yet.

Hope it helps :)


New Member
Oh ok tks too.. Like vivic mummy, just gave birth to my #1 in may. As age is catching up, I'm trying for #2 but can't quite track my cervical mucus cuz I've been spotting for quite sometime.


No worries! All the best for your TTC!!!

werxbabe, you could also try those ovulation kits to see when you are close to ovulation. They cost quite a lot from the chemist but I found some on eBay that are a lot cheaper:)


New Member
Ast mummy.. Tks for ur concern. Yup I was indeed pregnant but unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy thus the bleeding and spotting. Just had my ops last week and my Fallopian tube was removed on one side. :(


Ast mummy.. Tks for ur concern. Yup I was indeed pregnant but unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy thus the bleeding and spotting. Just had my ops last week and my Fallopian tube was removed on one side. :(
Oh no, so sorry to hear that! :( I really hope and pray it goes well for you. Keep trying and all the best :)


Do try to take more rest. Just continue keeps on trying.. relax. Jia You x3. Hope to hear your gd news soon :wesmile:


Active Member
so meaning as long we are breastfeeding, we will not be able to concieve? actually i do not wan to get preg this early... planning only 2 yrs later then try for the 2nd wan.


Hi Alisa,

If you are breastfeeding frequently in the first 6 months and have not gotten your period, it is hard to fall pregnant. Once your bub starts solids the risk of pregnancy increases....but each woman is different as some can get pregnant even though they are breastfeeding all the time, and for others they need to totally wean their baby to fall pregnant.. so it depends on your body :)


Active Member
Hi Alisa,

If you are breastfeeding frequently in the first 6 months and have not gotten your period, it is hard to fall pregnant. Once your bub starts solids the risk of pregnancy increases....but each woman is different as some can get pregnant even though they are breastfeeding all the time, and for others they need to totally wean their baby to fall pregnant.. so it depends on your body :)
thanks Ast0212. im only express twice a day now, morning around 7-9am and evening 6-8pm. this is my 2nd mth after delivery so haven got menses yet.


thanks Ast0212. im only express twice a day now, morning around 7-9am and evening 6-8pm. this is my 2nd mth after delivery so haven got menses yet.
Best to take other forms of contraception as a backup :)

But then again sometimes pregnancies just happen. I've heard of some women getting pregnant while fully breastfeeding and on the pill as well as using another contraception!


Active Member
Best to take other forms of contraception as a backup :)

But then again sometimes pregnancies just happen. I've heard of some women getting pregnant while fully breastfeeding and on the pill as well as using another contraception!
haha... this means the baby is fated to come at that time!