Edd march 2012


New Member
Hi edelweiss,

Congrats to you too!! Maybe you are too worried and stressed out, that's y you keep having bad dreams.. Don't worry too much and try to take things easy.. Remember, your mood will affect your baby.. Do take care ya!!
Thx Jaycee.....actually I get stressed at work and also at home. If quit my job, I also stressed! I get awaken up becoz I am crying so scary.....my hubby thinks I'm too stress out so he tell me to quit job and stay home.....


Active Member
Hi mummies,

Congrats all to this beautiful journey. I'm in 30 weeks now but weight gain is only 2 Kg.
My Edd is 18 March. Dragon boy! Delivering in NUH. Anyone going there?
This is my 2nd pregnancy after 6 years. Extremely tired:(
I seems to have frequent bad dreams/ night mares that end up crying in my sleep......
This happens more frequent when only pregnant, normal? Anyone feels the same?

I wanted to ask if is there any abnormalities that the fetan scan can't show/see?
I am very paranoid, maybe getting old.....Kia Si :)
its my 3rd pregnancy after 7yrs also , tired also .. i tink might be stress tats why keep on having nightmares , i have it daily too but everytime i wake up , i will go tell frens abt it as ppl say bad dreams must say out den wont happen =)

Btw can we share a same washing machine with baby?
Or at least use the washing machine for spin the clothes?
personally , i use the same washing machine to wash baby clothes .. but some will prefer handwash , up to urself .. but i tink as long as dont mix with adults clothes will do le and use baby detergent .. tat shld be ok liao ..


i m alrdy at my 30 weeks.. my back is getting quite aching and pain.. is it normal?? why sometimes i feel contraction at my down there.. does it mean anything? but i dun have any bleeding or what.. as the day is nearer, the more i m paranoid.. scared will give birth early.. haiz..


i m alrdy at my 30 weeks.. my back is getting quite aching and pain.. is it normal?? why sometimes i feel contraction at my down there.. does it mean anything? but i dun have any bleeding or what.. as the day is nearer, the more i m paranoid.. scared will give birth early.. haiz..

my gynae told me as approaching 7-8 mths, some of us will experienced pre term labour, eg minor contraction, some might even have minor bleeding..as long as u don't experience bleeding, i guess should be ok ba...my gynae told me if i have bleeding, then ask me go down to see her to check...

i am at my 28-29 weeks, i also start feeling slight pain down there, but no bleeding so far...anyway my next appt is on coming Wed, will let me gynae know and see what she say


my gynae told me as approaching 7-8 mths, some of us will experienced pre term labour, eg minor contraction, some might even have minor bleeding..as long as u don't experience bleeding, i guess should be ok ba...my gynae told me if i have bleeding, then ask me go down to see her to check...

i am at my 28-29 weeks, i also start feeling slight pain down there, but no bleeding so far...anyway my next appt is on coming Wed, will let me gynae know and see what she say
Oh..I like only felt 3 times..ya..no bleeding so far..so I'm nt tt worried.. Is tt call contraction??felt super sharp pain out of a sudden juz now at my upper tummy when I'm sitting down..it didnt happen b4..pain until want to cry alrdy..:(


Active Member
i m alrdy at my 30 weeks.. my back is getting quite aching and pain.. is it normal?? why sometimes i feel contraction at my down there.. does it mean anything? but i dun have any bleeding or what.. as the day is nearer, the more i m paranoid.. scared will give birth early.. haiz..
back ache are normal as baby is giving us more weight to handle on back .. if very unbearable , try go pre natal massage or get hubby to lighty rub for u =)

contraction might be braxton hicks , if too often feedback gynae =) don worry too much , be careful on ur last trim will do and jiayou ! 2more mths to go ~


i hope everyone of us will go thru labour smoothly... i'm also getting more and more worried...

just did gynae checkup yesterday and she weighs 1935g now but ... she went from head down to transverse again...


Hi mummies, jus cm back from my check up, I'm 33 weeks, baby abt 2.37kg now. How abt u gals? :)
i just went check up today also, i am 29 weeks now, 1 baby 1.3 kg while e other 1 is 1.2 kg =P
Today did the 4D scan but only managed to capture 1-2 images on 1 of the babies while the other baby's face was blocked, so in e end just counted as normal growth scan >.<


Hi mummies, hope all are doing well :) CNY round the corner, time to relax n enjoy before we get all busy with the little one :wong19:

Just a quick question, anyone here bot stuff from mummies Corner before? https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mummies-Corner/298393273511791

I ordered some cloth diapers in late nov 2011, check with them in late dec they say shipment delay. Just email them 2 days ago, no respond! scare they "run road" already... :wong7:


i hope everyone of us will go thru labour smoothly... i'm also getting more and more worried...

just did gynae checkup yesterday and she weighs 1935g now but ... she went from head down to transverse again...

Just went for my gynae scan today too and my boy is about 1.7kg now. Still in head down position as per usual...:) How about the rest? Any updates?


Happy CNY!! I just went for gynae appt on Wed, 30 weeks baby 2kg and I gained 2.5kg last mth. Gynae wants me to take OGTT test two weeks later cuz baby heavy and tell me watch what I eat during CNY. =(
So sad, cannot indulge.


New Member
Happy CNY!! I just went for gynae appt on Wed, 30 weeks baby 2kg and I gained 2.5kg last month. Gynae wants me to take OGTT test two weeks later cuz baby heavy and tell me watch what I eat during CNY. =(
So sad, cannot indulge.
Happy CNY :)

I went to see my gynae last saturday.
33 wks, baby is 2.2kg.
Baby wont be underweight.


New Member
its my 3rd pregnancy after 7yrs also , tired also .. i tink might be stress tats why keep on having nightmares , i have it daily too but everytime i wake up , i will go tell frens abt it as ppl say bad dreams must say out den wont happen =)

personally , i use the same washing machine to wash baby clothes .. but some will prefer handwash , up to urself .. but i tink as long as dont mix with adults clothes will do le and use baby detergent .. tat shld be ok liao ..

If that's the case, i will just handwash the clothes and just use the washing machine for spin dry.
Thanks for your advice :)


happy CNY all! My baby is now 1.7kg n week 31.

need some advice on the maternity ward...

wife asked me to check on single vs double bedder rates as well as e advantages etc. although i would prefer double, but she said single is better as i can also keep her company thru e night...


Happy CNY!! I just went for gynae appt on Wed, 30 weeks baby 2kg and I gained 2.5kg last month. Gynae wants me to take OGTT test two weeks later cuz baby heavy and tell me watch what I eat during CNY. =(
So sad, cannot indulge.

Hi feathers, happy new year!! I went for my gynae appt last Friday too.. 31weeks n my boy weighs 2.23kg but my doc said he was growing well.. I put on alot of weight in the last month as well.. But my doc didn't ask me to watch the cny goodies.. Guess I better cut down the heaty stuff..:(:(


happy CNY all! My baby is now 1.7kg n week 31.

need some advice on the maternity ward...

wife asked me to check on single vs double bedder rates as well as e advantages etc. although i would prefer double, but she said single is better as i can also keep her company thru e night...
Which hospital are you looking at? If its TMC, I heard single bedder has better service and yes you can stay over and baby can room in with you guys which is great if she is breast feeding. Double bedder is cheaper quite significantly and I'm likely to go for that or 4 bedders as I have no problem staying there myself and my hub need to go home to look after the pets too.

Hi feathers, happy new year!! I went for my gynae appt last Friday too.. 31weeks n my boy weighs 2.23kg but my doc said he was growing well.. I put on alot of weight in the last month as well.. But my doc didn't ask me to watch the cny goodies.. Guess I better cut down the heaty stuff..:(:(
Your gynae so nice!! Mine keep telling me if I don't watch my diet, I may not be able to push my baby out. *stress*
Next week appt again, hope I don't gain more!


Which hospital are you looking at? If its TMC, I heard single bedder has better service and yes you can stay over and baby can room in with you guys which is great if she is breast feeding. Double bedder is cheaper quite significantly and I'm likely to go for that or 4 bedders as I have no problem staying there myself and my hub need to go home to look after the pets too.
we r looking at mt alvernia.