gastric pain, nausea, sour n thick tongue


New Member
Hi mummies,

I am having pregnancy discomfort. Everyday my gastric pain n bloated, nausea, my tongue taste sour n thick, feeling tired, no mood to go out but to rest at home. Been seeing doctor few times but the medication doesn't seem to help much but makes me drowsy.

Any mummy having the same problem as me? Any method to feel better? When will this go away? I am only in my 12 weeks pregnancy.
I have tried to eat little, avoid spicy food.

This morning I vomited out what i ate again. i did not vomited during my first pregnancy. Really feel uncomfortable. Need help.


That's probably morning sickness and very normal. It should go away by the second trimester. If you cannot get any food down, do see your gynae to get morning sickness pills. It might help a little. Mine started from 6 weeks and ended only at 14 weeks. Hang in there! Take one day at a time.