Is It safe for NewBorn to lie down in FisherPrice Rocker??


Well-Known Member
Hi All Mummy.... This morning my granny is nagging saying that my newborn should NOT sit inside the FisherPrice Rocker which i just bought last week....Reason is it will cause the back bone to be bend... which i think is not true... cause i got friends who let their baby lie & sit in there... so far no problem... & also i know the Rocker is for Infant & toddler....

Any mummy let their baby sit in this rocker before?? anything happen??


Well-Known Member
so far i seen many parents letting their NB babies lying on it. but i think no matter what products u r using, dont 'over-use' it. dont let ur NB baby lie on it for the whole day... =)


I let my baby lie in it when he is awake. When he sleeps I put him back to the cot. He likes to lie in it. It makes him really excited because of the toys dangling above him. Hehe.

So far he is ok. I don't think there's anything wrong with his spine. As long as the rocker says it's ok from 0+mth, it should be fine. But also, do notice if your baby looks uncomfortable in it. If so, then drag a little while longer before letting him sit in it again. Otherwise, I don't see what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply mummy... can tahan her nagging about this... keep saying is not good... then i told her.. i will let my boy lie for just a while.. not as if i will let him in it the whole day !!! anyway this rocker is very much the same as the older days rocker with holes in it... just that this is another type...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply mummy... can tahan her nagging about this... keep saying is not good... then i told her.. i will let my boy lie for just a while.. not as if i will let him in it the whole day !!! anyway this rocker is very much the same as the older days rocker with holes in it... just that this is another type...
haha.. actu as long as u dont let him lie in the rocker for continous many hrs, shdnt be a pro..

u giving birth soon right?? =D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply mummy... can tahan her nagging about this... keep saying is not good... then i told her.. i will let my boy lie for just a while.. not as if i will let him in it the whole day !!! anyway this rocker is very much the same as the older days rocker with holes in it... just that this is another type...
Old people are like that... lastime they dont have such rocker mahhh.... Just take it u listening to 958:001_302:


Well-Known Member
haha.. actually as long as you dont let him lie in the rocker for continous many hours, shdnt be a pro..

you giving birth soon right?? =D

Yup i'm giving birth soon liao.. :Dancing_wub: hope it will be faster as i'm really feeling tired & heavy now...


Hi i have also been using fisher price rocker to let my boy lie in it and he like it so much so far i have been using it and no prob of it... Take care and have a smooth delivery...! :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Yup i'm giving birth soon .. :Dancing_wub: hope it will be faster as i'm really feeling tired & heavy now...
i agree with Queenbabe.. if u dont lik 958 mayb treat it as 93.3?? =P

u see, last time we all slp in sarong, to the youngsters nowadays, we feel tt sarong is not v good for spine, but the elderly INSIST it is good for baby... but latest things lik rocker, they cant accept haha


Haha..we modern mummies like cute n nice things mah..afterall we wouldn't mind as long it wun harm our lil ones...last time dun ve so many gadgets
Pro proven rocking can calm a cranky


Hi angelwendy Mummy,

Guess all elderly are like this ba. They only believe in their old times.

I, myself, let my baby lie on those rocker too! Starting with the rocker with holes one then chg to the Fisherprice rocker chair that can be use till when he's a toddler. So far, he's doing fine and very active.

He loves the Fisherprice rocker so much and he enjoyed playing with the toys dangling above! :tlaugh:
i used to place my newborn in the fp rocker for her naps nowadays she gets cranky after lying for awhile.

I remember i also have this lucky baby rocker that she loves (after her night feeds she don't want to sleep i will place her inside) then she will slip off to lalaland. after that my friend commented that its bad for spine cos the lucky baby one is very curvy unlike fisherprice so i stop putting her inside although its really convenient :p

as long don't overdo it should be fine :001_302: