Need help. baby cannot latch on properly

Hi Mummies, my baby 13 month old and still breastfeeding. For new mommies who are determined to breastfeed, do not buy formula as back up plan. Just stay through the course. If you have trouble latching on(which I had, the nipples were so sore and bleeding), get help from lactation consultant. I got Sister Kang from Mt Alvernia to come to my house to guide me. She corrected my latched on position, it was worth it. Breastfeeding makes me feel so bonded with my LO. The day she stops breastfeeding, I think I will feel more sad than her. It's an amazing experience all mommies should go through, so natural and pure. Nothing beats this connection with your baby. Not to mention that it's so convenient, no bottles, powder and hot water needed.
lemony drops
May I know how much did it cost to get Sis Kang to go to your place to guide you? Because I probably will choose back KKH to deliver my #2 (if i get lucky!).

I wished I have persevered abit longer on the latch-on for my now-12mth-old girl. I think she was only 3mths old and it seems that she was getting impatient, tugging on the nipple or she will have milk dripping all over out of her mouth so I went to exclusive EBM instead. I loved too that special feeling whenever she latch on. For the 2nd one, I will persevere!!

Anyway to the other mummies who will be doing long term latch-on, maybe you wanna join the SuperMom Latch On – Supermom Bazaar in August. hasha


New Member
Mummy Pris
Glad that you have this determination. Her house visit is $150 per trip, inclusive of gst will be $160.50. All the best for your delivery. Haha i will consider joining the event. Thanks.
thanks for the info!! may seriously consider if i face problem along the way next time.. I think my bb did well from start as the nurse helped us with skin to skin and the initial latch-on.. i could have messed it up with nipple confusion!!