pang dang old wives tales


is your mil/mum superstitious? did they ever tell you the reason of those superstitious beliefs?
what kind of old wives tales have you heard before?

my mum said cannot hang baby's clothes outside after 7pm but i never know why...
sometimes when i unwittingly say something abt my dd she will scold me... say i am bad mouthed... blur

do you believe?
I heard of this before, i think it's because they are afraid of "spirits" hiding in the clothes!


1) Pregnant cant eat durians(will have piles!!!!)
2) Pregnant dont eat so much birds' nest( if MS how? waste her $$$, food, time, effort to cook & gas!)
3) Cannot set up the cot before delivery(will offend "infant god"???)
4) No mutton(bb will have epilepsy)
............& the list goes on.............
1) Preggy time I eat so much durians.. anyway before preggy i already hv piles liao

2) I eat those bottled type of birdnest leh.. no money buy "real" one.. Hahaha

3) alamak.. issit? I set up while i was preggy.. i even move the whole house furniture here and there all by myself leh

4) eee i dun like mutton


ahahaha but but but
1) a lot ppl tell me durians are nutritious for foetus when pregnant leh... maybe bcos durians are heaty... so will cause constipation which lead to piles?
2) i heard of it before! some ppl say eat too much bird's nest, baby's complexion will be very bad
3 & 4 i dunno.....
Durians hv alot of sugar.. so if eat too much may get g. diabetes during pregnancy... or the baby may get too big... something like that..

I thought bird nest is good for mummy / baby's complexion?


[1] during pregnant cannot move furniture at hm
[2] don laugh at ppl for their disable wen pregnant cos ur bb will get it back
[3] cannot stand at e corner of a table wen pregnant
[4] cannot strech wen pregnant cos bb in stomach will get cramps
[5] cannot carry other babys wen pregnant
[6] cannot sew sittin on bed wen pregnant
[7] cannot go zoo when pregnant
[8] cannot go funeral when pregnant
[9] cannot see horror movies when pregnant
[10] cannot paint hse wen pregnany
1) i move furniture during preggy
2) laughing at people i think they afraid " retribution " la..
3) cannot stand at corner of the table maybe afraid that u'll bang it?
4) cannot stretch? first time i hear this
6) cannot sew / cut with scissors on bed - scared baby got cleft lips
7) cannot go zoo - dun wan u to look at monkeys, scared baby got "monkey face"?
8) I dun go to wake when I m preggy
9) cannot see horror movies - afraid that u'll affect the foetus if u are scared
10) cannot paint house - they say dun paint cos wait baby face got "paint marks"


Active Member
e stretch thing is true enuff cos i got ask my doctor.. cos i always stretch n tip toe to reach things i cant reached de den my boss say if i cant take juz ask others to take don stretch myself cos e baby will get cramps so i went ask my doctor cos i don believe n e doctor say its true haha..for going to zoo i don believe lah but is my dh insists on not letting mi to go.. for no.3 i oso donno why cos its a old uncle told mi n he don wan let mi noe e reason he juz ask mi nt to stand at e corner.. for moving furniture its heng or suay lah some old ppl say cos god lives at different place every mth but i rather believe cos don wan baby to have ani problems wif his limbs


got somemore.... u cannot comment on other ppl or even ur own baby cos the baby might pantang, e.g. if u say "wah ur baby can eat a lot hor", the baby will miraculously stop eating n hv poor appetite :we2skeptical: or if u say "wah ur baby very obedient n quiet", then the baby will again miraculously turn very naughty n crybaby... sigh all sorts of pantang-ness from my mil...


Active Member
ya i heard b4 too.. but i rather don believe in tis.. cos i always do tat to my kids.. haha like for e second wan i often tinks he eats too much so i always say aiyo u sooo fat liao , wah u eat alot sia.. but same he still eat like usual lolxx..


New Member
got somemore.... u cannot comment on other ppl or even ur own baby cos the baby might pantang, e.g. if u say "wah ur baby can eat a lot hor", the baby will miraculously stop eating n hv poor appetite :we2skeptical: or if u say "wah ur baby very obedient n quiet", then the baby will again miraculously turn very naughty n crybaby... sigh all sorts of pantang-ness from my mil...
I never heard this before? Then if they say wow, your baby very stupid, then he will become intelligent? lol. No offencesjust a thought only.
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Hi does anyone know can we celebrate one year old birthday a lot earlier like 10 days ahead? I know cannot celebrate later but how About earlier more than 10 days ahead?


I don't understand why one should be saying negative things to kids just because of superstition and old wives' tales. Shouldn't we be praising and saying positive stuff to kids so that their self-esteem and their confidence will be built up. Telling a kid that she's dumb and ugly and fat is definitely not going to help. I don't see what's wrong with commenting or praising my kid and other kids.


sometimes it's true leh.. my friend's dd was drinking her milk.. and my husband went to say "wah your DD so good, drink milk so quiet wont cry" then suddenly she cry..


Yes I agree with noelsmum. My mum is one such case. Although I'm grown up now, she still only praises friends' and relatives' kids. Very very disappointed sometimes.


Active Member
I think it's such a coincidence.
Whats wrong with praising your kids with they do something right?

My mil is very pantang but I just ignore her. Some of the stuffs are really dumb, what woman after giving birth and during confinement is suay etc...

After going through the pregnancy and delivery still have to be condemned as suay =.="