Round ligament pain


I woke up about 12.30am this morning because of pain on my lower left abdomen, round the bikini line. I was sleeping on my right when I felt the pain and I tried to switch position but couldn't due to the severity of the pain. It got worse after 30 seconds....feels so intense, burning and unbearable I thought I'm going to lose the baby because I never had such pain in my life. The pain subside less than 2 minutes and I slowly move to lie on my back then on my more pain after that.

Then i ask my husband to go online and check if it could be Braxton Hicks or what.....then found out it's actually round ligament pain. Though not every woman experience this but it's quite common during pregnancy but I've never heard of this before. Was very worried at first but relieved when I felt the baby move.

Has anyone experience this?


i'm 28 weeks now, and just 3 days ago i had that kind of intense pain after lying on my right. my whole tummy just hardened. it softened back after awhile, though. i read up online and it was said that it could be to Braxton Hicks. it should occur from 27 weeks onwards to prep. urself for the real labour.