Stitches hurt


Today is 2 weeks already.. But starting frm yesterday, my stitches hurt alot when i urine.. Is there anything wrong?


Active Member
Did you call your gynae and check with her? If you feel it's really painful then you should go see a doc immediately.
there could be a tear in your wound, i remembered mine took about 2-3weeks to recover too due to tear in wound cos I kept squatting (CL claimed I squat too much, though i don't see the link).


You mean stitches from natural or c-sect? It only hurts when you urine? Did you have a urinary catheter inserted during delivery? Is your urine very concentrated (dark yellow)?

I underwent c-sect and had a urinary catheter inserted. When my urine was very dark yellow, it would hurt. The pain was not from the wound but because of the raw-ness of the area where the catheter was inserted.

It'll be helpful if you can provide more info. I may be wrong.


there could be a tear in your wound, i remembered mine took about 2-3weeks to recover too due to tear in wound cos I kept squatting (CL claimed I squat too much, though i don't see the link).
But i did not squat at all.. Currently there's no bleeding only pain when i urine..


You mean stitches from natural or c-sect? It only hurts when you urine? Did you have a urinary catheter inserted during delivery? Is your urine very concentrated (dark yellow)?

I underwent c-sect and had a urinary catheter inserted. When my urine was very dark yellow, it would hurt. The pain was not from the wound but because of the raw-ness of the area where the catheter was inserted.

It'll be helpful if you can provide more info. I may be wrong.
Stitches frm natural.. Yup it only hurts when i urine.. Ya i had a urinary catheter inserted during delivery.. Hmm i did not take note of the colour of my urine..


Are you able to pinpoint the pain? If it is from the urine part it might be the raw areas healing. Mine hurt till abt a month then it went away.

If the pain is when you use that amt of strength to "push" the urine out and the pain is not on the area of where the urine comes out from then it could be the stitches that is giving you the pain

When your uring is concentrated, it is "saltier" and so when it touches the wound it will be painful. To be on the safe side, you might want to contact your gynae because if the area is not cleaned properly, it might lead to an infection.


Are you able to pinpoint the pain? If it is from the urine part it might be the raw areas healing. Mine hurt till abt a month then it went away.

If the pain is when you use that amt of strength to "push" the urine out and the pain is not on the area of where the urine comes out from then it could be the stitches that is giving you the pain

When your uring is concentrated, it is "saltier" and so when it touches the wound it will be painful. To be on the safe side, you might want to contact your gynae because if the area is not cleaned properly, it might lead to an infection.
I think the pain is frm the left of my stitches.. It hurts when the urine touches the wound.. But before tat when i urine, there is no pain at all..


Active Member
I agree with Diymummy. I also heal until 3weeks. I feel the pain when i urine. But you must make sure you clean your wounds daily. You can go to pharmacy and buy the cleaning bottles. I forgotten the name but it's blue in colour. You can check with the staff @ Pharmacy.


im also in confinement now and squat alot but doesn't hurt.
the medicine for cleaning the stitches is name Procanol. can get from major watson or guardian pharmacy and not all have. it's controlled drug so you have to ask from the counter. it's $6.50 per bottle. it has numbing effect which is very useful! :wong19: and i feel that it heals faster than my first preg!


Active Member
How long does the natural birth stitches takes to heal? Mine already close to 2 weeks. I only feel pain when sitting down and cleaning it with procanol.


for my first preg, i took about 1 month and at 2 weeks time it still hurts. but this time i only feels the sting when applying procanol. the healing of the wounds looks healthier & it's not so tender to touch already.


for my first preg, i took about 1 month and at 2 weeks time it still hurts. but this time i only feels the sting when applying procanol. the healing of the wounds looks healthier & it's not so tender to touch already.
I've tried applying Procanol once and it hurts alot! So i've stop using it and now i'm just using water to clean it.. Is it normal to feel sharp pain when applying Procanol?


Melancholy, may i suggest you gently pour warm water when you pee. Maybe the PH of the urine is "stinging" you. Alas, you gotta go get it checked.