Swimming Lessons in Hougang

Hi All..

I'm actually on a lookout for some swimming lessons for my girls - age 4 and 1 to go to and I came across these guys (and a girl) and I thought they're pretty ok.. (More about the Coaches)

Anyone keen in joining us? Preferably a weekday afternoon lesson but can consider Sunday mornings too..

Here's what the Course Fees are like..

I've not contacted them yet but if anyone has got a better suggestion/recommendation please feel free to let me know :D

Thanks and Have a Happy Monday everyone!



New Member
Hi, I am staying at Hougang too. I am looking kids swimming lesson for my girl, she's now 4+. May I know how many kids in your group now?


Dear Parents,
If you are looking for a professional and certified swimming coach near you, you can contact or sms Susan at 91144883. She is coordinator for Singapore Swim school. Fee is only $60 per month.