Tenya Singapore

Most lauded for slinging unerringly frizzled tempura-headlined donburis, Japanese tendon super chain Tempura Tendon Tenya, or simply Tenya (天丼), first stirred back in 1989 when one Mr Yoshio Iwashita sallied forth with a rather picayune shop at Tokyo station's labyrinthian Yaesu Chikagai mall (八重洲地下街); today it has tentacled across Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as Singapore to the tune of 200+ physical touch points both managed outright and franchised. Tenya Singapore formally unveiled here, all "batter"-ready so to speak, on 15 October 2020.

More at https://www.thefooddossier.com/2023/12/tenya-singapore.html