what to protect for you and your child


New Member
Hi all mummies,

I have open a new thread for everyone who wants to know about insurance to come in and ask me, given young mummies nowadays, own protection and child's future is indeed a every mum's would want to secure.

You can ask me anything relating on:

1) Insurance that Specially cater to Mum's (pre birth/post birth)
2) Insurance that your child needs to be protect
3) Savings for your child education

Or any policies that you have in right now and wish to clarify.

** Yes i am Financial Planner but my main purpose is to share and educate the community as a greater focus on insurance nowadays is appreciated**

Hope to see the discussion going!



New Member
hi, insurance for mum and pre birth, would like to know more, wat type of policy is good and what does it covers?


New Member
i gotten hospitalisation and accident plan for my boy. Will get education savings plan for him the following year..