Which nursing cover is good to use?

hee, same here... the moment i try to wrap the shawl around ds3 and myself, he'll start wriggling and grab the shawl away from me... guess he's grown smarter and harder to manipulate :p
totally agree!! my gal knows that she'll get milk when she sees the apron but after awahile, she'll start wriggling and pulling it off coz it's simply too HOT!!


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i still use my MIM sling or find a nursing room or nurse in the car in between destinations. my son will turn 6 months next week. definitely more challenging to nurse in sling now that ian turns his head upon hearing any interesting or unusual sound or noise, and thus will unlatch in the process. but i try to play with him to draw his attention to look at me and hence he will stay latched. the sling still works fine for us.

junjoodi, if the problem is cos your baby is getting too big for the sling, let your baby's legs stick out and hang loose a bit from the sling. this way, baby gets room to kick legs freely. dun worry, your baby won't fall out.