Worried about speech


my 4 and 6yr olds do not respond when I call their names. But it is selective hearing lah. Hahah.

Labelling or not, paranoid parent or not, I think as a parent, all of us want nothing but the best for our kids.

If you have concerns about your kid's development, go seek professional advise. Do not base on hearsay. And even with professional advise, do your own monitoring. Ask pertinent questions about what should the norm be for a kid's development at each stage and ask them how to go about monitoring your child. It is very important to find a therapist or PD that you are comfortable with.

In every parent, there will always be a certain level of denial. Who wants to find out that their child have a problem. But if detected early, a lot of them make huge improvements and some may even be able to overcome their difficulty.

For me seeking professional opinion is a win-win situation. You either get assured that your kid is normal or if there really is a problem, you can start helping your child overcome the problem.
I'm stuck btw encouraging early intervention and 'labelling'.

Early intervention is always good. In fact, it is very good for the child. However, with early intervention comes LABELLING. to you now if your child has yet to progress to primary school, you won't understand. once ur child has been to KKH, records are PERMANENT. and it follows them into the school system.
first of all i am sorry, as i am not quite familiar with school system here, i do know when going to school they will asking for immunisation record, but do you meant school also will check other records from hospital about the child history?


Active Member
every child develops differently..

my girl at 17months cannot even calls 'mummy' yet, only know a few single verbs but has no problem understanding us..

shows that she is not mute, and not deaf and not retarded.. so i wasn't worried at all..

soon after she enter playgroup, her speech starts improving though still slower than her peers but she has no problem expressing her intentions through actions..

till now 3yo+, she can speak in sentences, but her pronunciation still not really accurate.. like some people say 'chao leng dai'.. but she will outgrow it sooner later..