Your body after pregnancy

It took me ard 2-3 months. But even that my tummy didnt go really flat like it used to. Maybe bcuz I didnt do massage or wrap. I didnt exercise as well. Breastfeeding is e best and fastest way to slim down!


I think i lost even more weight then my pre pregnancy state. My old jeans got looser somehow. I think it's stress and breastfeeding (i expressed for 7 months). I used a tummy wrap for the first few weeks too. Maybe that helped.


When I was pregnant, my colleagues told me not to gain up to 20kg or more coz it might be difficult to lose the weight. My gynae did mentioned that 10kg to 15kg is ideal. Throughout my pregnancy, I only gained 14kg. I try not to snack and only eat when I feel hungry. I ate the usual three meals. And I opted for fully BF. I lost all my pregnancy weight within 6 mths and my hips went to the original size within 2 months. I didn't diet or watch what I eat after I gave birth. I didn't exercise too but gotta admit that tummy still have some excess fats but barely noticeable even if I wear tight clothes.
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Yeah. My gynae was very particular about my weight gain during pregnancy. In the end, i gained only 8kg. Baby wasn't underweight or small too.