Is Eating Canned Tuna Safe During Pregnancy?

A US-based non-profit Consumer Reports unequivocally recommends pregnant women steer clear of all tuna fish, including canned, because of concerns over mercury. While Health Canada and the US Food and Drug Administration recommend avoiding fresh and frozen tuna during...

How to Teach Your Child to Bathe Themselves

Children usually enjoy bath time. Bathing your baby relaxes him as you carefully wash all the creases and folds. As children grow older, they become ready to assume this self-care task. Teaching them to bathe themselves will come in...

Benefits for babies exposed to two languages

There are advantages associated with exposure to two languages in infancy, as team of investigators and clinician-scientists in Singapore and internationally have found. The findings reveal a generalized cognitive advantage that emerges early in bilingual infants, and is not...

Weekly Date Nights: What’s In It For Your Children?

Other than the benefits you and your spouse get from regular dating, your children will reap something beneficial, too. Read on to find out: Weekly date night is a wonderful ritual for couples to engage in right from the start....

8 Surprising Uses for Eggshells

Right after you had fun with your poached egg, or prolly, eggs Benedict, before you throw their shells in the bin, see this awesome list and discover the other ways to make use of them. 1.Get crafty.Blow out the inside...

Crying When Pregnant

Hormones cause mood changes during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time of emotional ups and downs. Many pregnant women find they cry more easily and with less provocation than they did before they became pregnant. If you feel like you're...

7 House Hacks To Maximise Your Space

A little irritated for the lack of space because of your super-tiny apartment? Fret not. We are giving you these 7 fantastic house hacks that will definitely make your space look BIGGER: 1.Add a loft over your kitchen. Actually, add...

How to Help an Alcoholic Father

Alcoholism can be detrimental not only to a person’s health, but to interpersonal relationships and the family dynamic. Although it’s common to drink to celebrate a holiday or major event, at family dinners, or when dining out with colleagues,...

9 Ways to Make Your Child Do Household Chores

Children will do almost anything to get out of chores. Typical excuses run the gamut "from 'I’ve got a stomach ache,' to 'I’m a kid. I shouldn’t have to do chores,'" says Mason Turner, MD, chief of psychiatry at...

Find Out What Your Kids Think

Have you ever felt that your family, particularly you children, do not appreciate you? Motherhood can, indeed, sap the very last drop of your energy, right? Well, watch this video and see how kids see their mummies and be...