Does Breastfeeding Really Help in Weight Loss?


There are many mothers who believe that breastfeeding can help them to lose weight after delivery. This is because while breastfeeding, our body burns up to 750 extra calories to support the production of milk. Whatever the mother eats will be converted into nutrients that will be passed on to the baby while breastfeeding.

So can one really lose much weight and get back in shape from breastfeeding her baby?

As long as the mother maintains her recommended calorie intake for pre-pregnancy weight maintenance, she is most likely to lose weight. The body’s demand for extra calories can also lead to more energy consumption. Thus, if one is not careful and begins to consume more unhealthy calories than needed by the body, no weight loss will be experienced.

One of the best ways to shed the post partum weight is to ensure a healthy balanced diet. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates and consume more vegetables and red meat. This not only ensures that the breastfeeding mother is eating right, she is also ensuring that her baby gets the most nutritious breast milk.

Once breastfeeding stops or is reduced, the mother should alter her calorie intake accordingly if further weight loss is desired. In addition, an increased level of physical activity is recommended. This can include a brisk walk with baby at the park, taking the stairs instead of the lift, or including baby in some simple home exercises.

Mothers who are eager to lose weight should also remember that their focus should be on producing quality breast milk for baby. By eating the right kind of foods to produce good breast milk, it can be expected that healthy weight loss will follow.

This article was written by Mother of Kids, a blog about life at home with a toddler + twins, weight loss and working from home. You can read the extended version of this topic, “Breastfeeding is Overrated” at are many mothers who believe that breastfeeding can help them to lose weight after delivery. This is because while breastfeeding, our body burns up to 750 extra calories to support the production of milk. Whatever the mother eats will be converted into nutrients that will be passed on to the baby while breastfeeding.

As long as the mother maintains her recommended calorie intake for pre-pregnancy weight maintenance, she is most likely to lose weight. The body’s demand for extra calories can also lead to more energy consumption. Thus, if one is not careful and begins to consume more unhealthy calories than needed by the body, no weight loss will be experienced.

One of the best ways to shed the post partum weight is to ensure a healthy balanced diet. Avoid foods high in carbohydrates and consume more vegetables and red meat. This not only ensures that the breastfeeding mother is eating right, she is also ensuring that her baby gets the most nutritious breast milk.

Once breastfeeding stops or is reduced, the mother should alter her calorie intake accordingly if further weight loss is desired. In addition, an increased level of physical activity is recommended. This can include a brisk walk with baby at the park, taking the stairs instead of the lift, or including baby in some simple home exercises.

Mothers who are eager to lose weight should also remember that their focus should be on producing quality breast milk for baby. By eating the right kind of foods to produce good breast milk, it can be expected that healthy weight loss will follow.

You can read the extended version of this topic, “Breastfeeding is Overrated” at, where you can find more information on getting back in shape after pregnancy.