Breastfeeding Secrets Revealed: 9 months and counting


“Set small targets”, that is what my Lactation Consultant advised me when I shared my worries of breastfeeding. It was indeed a rough start – I remember having this gorgeous baby boy in my arms but instead of being happy, the both of us were crying. I never knew that breastfeeding did not come naturally for everyone.

Small targets, she repeated. Aim for one week, then aim for two, and before you know it, you’ve been breastfeeding for 6 straight months. And she was right, I’m on my 9th month and counting!

I struggled with trying to get my newborn to latch on. I tried feeding him on the bed, the couch, the arm chair, I tried with one pillow, a bolster, throw pillows, you name it, I tried it!

The one thing I wish I knew before embarking on the breastfeeding journey was the convenience of a breastfeeding pillow. The pillow can help you comfortably position your fragile newborn on a firm platform for a proper latch on. I was a little skeptical that on the 5th day after our son was born, my husband told me he was going out to get me My Brest Friend. He patiently understood the problem we were facing, did some research and told me we had nothing to lose.

I used my breastfeeding pillow till our baby was 7 months old. I still have it hanging around our room for my son to play with, and it was handy support before he could sit.

You read articles on the benefits of breastfeeding and you tell yourself that you will do so but for some, it is not as easy as it seems. I constantly reminded myself at the beginning to stay calm and persevere. It was no doubt a painful start but looking at where we are today, I would not trade the mother-child bond we share when breastfeeding with anything else in the world.

Melissa Lai.


  1. My personal experience about breastfeeding (bf) is to set 0 target, take it easy, enjoy the precious moment between u n little one… Let it flow naturally.
    My boy is going to 3 yrs soon and I still let him latch at nite. He enjoys it n feel comfortable, so I dont really bother what most ppl say to me like “why ? He is not baby anymore ?….. Are sure ? Are u kidding me? … Etc.”
    Still fresh in my mind; I got difficult time to bf for the first 4 mths…. No jokes, try very hard both of us just failed to do so. Joined bf Class, bf group, just because i want to work hard to give the best for my son but end with no result…. Bf Is a scary time for me esp when baby does not how to sick and cause nipple bleeding. End up both mother n baby was crying.
    Bf Is a skill where both mother n baby need to learn to archive the goal. As time goes by, ur baby Will become an expert to nurse. He doesnt need more time to adjust best position to make him comfortable. Now, my son can latch with any position (sleep, sitting, standing) …. Lastly, bf has Lots of benefit for my son, here’s the top 2 Things which i like from bf
    1. Since born, he Never got constipation … Even once ….
    2. If he Is not Well (e.g. high fever); he still can fall sleep and feel comfortable when he latch. So I can focus n monitor his temperature closely without any disturbance like cranky, crying,etc…

    Lastly, if ppl ask when im going to stop bf… Well, since i set no target to bf, then i leave to my son to decide… When he thinks that he Is ready to stop … 😉

  2. Brysonmum – what an inspiration!

    I feel like the same benefits apply to my child but as a first time mom who has been breastfeeding, I am not able to compare it with children who aren’t. My son did not have jaundice, hasn’t gotten sick besides the mild fever after immunisation (which goes away quickly with the help of bf), and is generally a very alert and happy child 🙂

  3. Hi sleepyhead1024, melissalai,
    Now, the challenging Part is about people’s perspective. So far, noone of my family and friends are agree with me. They told me to stop bf and it Is weird to let toddler still Nurse.
    We live not in “kampong era” where woman let her kid nursing anytime. And it Is not good for kid’s psyclogical. Especially if your kid Is a boy.
    Not Sure, if what ppl Said is True. Was googling but not Lots of information is available for bf for more than 3 years.