Tips to Getting Your Kids to Take Medicine


No toddler is a fan of taking medicine, but a mum’s got to do what a mum’s got to do. Administering medicine to a resistant child is such a terrible phase we, mums, will all go through, and later on, a phase we no longer shrug off. Having a sick child who would never like the taste of medicine, is really challenging, as if it is a two-man job. But we don’t have much of a choice, do we? So, how can we manage it and not let administering medicine look like a battle? Here are some tips that will make the process a little easier and simpler:

1. Allow your kid to have a say in flavors.
Sometimes, refusing to take medicine is an issue of control for toddlers, so let them pick which flavor the pharmacist will add to the medication. And, for instances when your child has to take another round of prescriptions such as antibiotics, change up the flavor to lessen the chance he’ll resist taking medicine again. Also,make sure that when you decide to try different flavors of a particular medicine, stick to the one that your kids seem to like best – until they change their minds again.

2. Mask it in other food or drinks
What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, especially when it has to do with getting him to take his medication and get on the path to recovery. Add the prescribed amount of medicine to a small amount of juice, yogurt or even peanut butter to mask the flavor. Just remember that he needs to finish the entire amount to get the full dose.Mixing it with yogurt or condensed milk brings about a more palatable concoction, or perhaps, mix it with your kid’s favorite drink.

3. Hide your true feelings
Making faces or comments that the medicine is yucky will automatically put your toddler on the defensive, so don’t set yourself up for a fight. When it’s time for him to take his medication, mask your feelings and offer lots of praise when the deed is done.This is when the saying fake it until you make it (make your kid drink his medicine) actually works. Avoid conditioning your kid that medicines are nothing but gross and bitter liquids or foods. There’s nothing wrong saying that it tastes good (especially when it’s flavored). After all, it is for the health of your kid.

4. Reward your kid for drinking his medicine
Every good parent knows rewarding your kiddos is a great way to encourage a child to do what he is supposed to do. You bet, this is positive reinforcement, when parents treat their kid for doing well. Offer him a sweet treat, prize or privilege such as hitting the park if he takes his medicine without a fight.

5. Tell your kid why not drinking his medicine is bad
Whenever you talk to a child about ‘bad’ things, they easily get a good grasp of it, and would try to prevent it as long as they can. Talking about the disadvantages of not taking his medicine such as missing his friend’s party because he’s been sick is a surefire hit that he won’t dare missing a single dose. Try to reason with your child why medication is important.

How about you Mums? What other tips did you use to make your kid drink his medicines?

“MummySG, where every Mum is awesome.”




  1. Yes, making your kid to take medicine is a real challenge for the majority of mothers. I know adult people who do not like taking meds either. It is better to avoid as much as possible giving antibiotics to children (only in very serious cases). Still, it is good to mask the tablets in food, drink and when they grow to make them understand that the meds can help improve their state of health…
    hope I was of any help, my opinion at least!

    • Yes, making your kid to take medicine is a real challenge for the majority of mothers. I know adult people who do not like taking meds either. It is better to avoid as much as possible giving antibiotics to children (only in very serious cases). Still, it is good to mask the tablets in food, drink and when they grow to make them understand that the meds can help improve their state of health…
      hope I was of any help, my opinion at least!

      oh definitely…we certainly agree that if we can prevent giving medications and instead boost their immune systems and keep them healthy, then, let us do so.

      Your opinion certainly matters to us. Thank you!

  2. was quite stress giving my daughter medications these few days cos of the struggle and when u got to do it alone…but after reading this, i felt much better that i wasn’t the only one going through this. i did the fake it until i make it method, its working gradually 🙂