Funny Letters of Kids to Their Mummies


We know that we should never, ever underestimate our kids as they can say words that are out of whack, and really mean it. It’s amazing how our children can talk in such a way that we adults would get to thinking and be drawn into a pensive moment, only to find out that our kid is right. And isn’t it that our children possess humour that we will never find anywhere else?

Look at these letters written by kids to their mums and find out what we are talking about:

1.Here’s a kid who talks about getting angry and loving at the same time:

2. And yet here’s another one…

3. Would you not give in, if your child wrote this? Well, maybe not! It’s a Mansion, for heaven’s sake!

4. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Hahaha!

5. What about your kid showing an utter gratitude?

6. Daddies, here’s how reality bites…LOL

How about you, Mums? Do you have a letter which is hilarious and “implicitly” touching that’s written to you by your child? SHAREit with us!

“MummySG, where every Mum is awesome.”