down syndrome test


may i know how much do you mummies play for the down syndrome test? i was shocked to find out that kkh charge $300 for the test plus blood... considering now to change another hospital coz i heard either package or other hospital only $100plus... argh!!!


Alpha Male
karoru said:
may i know how much do you mummies play for the down syndrome test? i was shocked to find out that kkh charge $300 for the test plus blood... considering now to change another hospital coz i heard either package or other hospital only $100plus... argh!!!
First of all, at 10 weeks pregnant ... you're not quite due for this test, right?

If I remember correctly, the first test is done during one of the ultrasound scan, where the measurement is taken around the foetus' neck ... only if the readings here are unfavourable, then you'd need to have the amniotic fluid collected for further analysis.

In terms of payments, the first test is "free" ... as the cost is already absorbed by the ultrasound scan itself. It is the collection/study of the amniotic fluid that can be costly ... but you may not even need it in the first place.

However, if you are 35 & above, then this test becomes mandatory.
:wink: :wink:


First of all, at 10 weeks pregnant ... you're not quite due for this test, right?

If I remember correctly, the first test is done during one of the ultrasound scan, where the measurement is taken around the foetus' neck ... only if the readings here are unfavourable, then you'd need to have the amniotic fluid collected for further analysis.

In terms of payments, the first test is "free" ... as the cost is already absorbed by the ultrasound scan itself. It is the collection/study of the amniotic fluid that can be costly ... but you may not even need it in the first place.

However, if you are 35 & above, then this test becomes mandatory.
:wink: :wink:
I dun think so..... I'm 26 during my 1st pregnancy and i still did tat test. But i knw if u r 35 & above more test is recomended.


Alpha Male
joeichen said:
I dun think so..... I'm 26 during my 1st pregnancy and i still did tat test. But i knw if u r 35 & above more test is recomended.
You think wrong. :wink: :wink:

You did the test becoz you wanted to ... not becoz you die die have to, which incidentally is the meaning of "mandatory". Just like voting is mandatory.
For preggies who are 35 & above, the risk of the baby getting Down's is drastically higher ... that's why the test is specifically mandated by MOH.

BTW, this is also one of the "disadvantages" of choosing gynae who practises privately ... you can be coaxed into taking tests after tests, when you dun really needed to. Then again, how else did you think they were gonna pay their rents & pay their pretty staff? :biggrin: :biggrin:
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You think wrong. :wink: :wink:

You did the test becoz you wanted to ... not becoz you die die have to, which incidentally is the meaning of "mandatory". Just like voting is mandatory.
For preggies who are 35 & above, the risk of the baby getting Down's is drastically higher ... that's why the test is specifically mandated by MOH.

BTW, this is also one of the "disadvantages" of choosing gynae who practises privately ... you can coaxed into taking tests after tests, when you dun really needed to. Then again, how else did you think they were gonna pay their rents & pay their pretty staff? :biggrin: :biggrin:
U sound pretty neg abt private gynea.
I think gov doc still recomend those test.
My fren was not ask to take the test and we are having the same doc and of she is slightly younger than me.
My gynea did told me tat its optional but of coz i believe most mum will do it as we do nt go for much test and the most common 1 are the 13th n 20 weeks ultra scan.....


I did Amino & CVS for my 2nd & 3rd pregnancy as i know that both of this test is not tat cheap so in the 1st place i went to polyclinic to get a referral letter to KKH so you can get a subsidised rate for either 1 of the test (depend on how many week you are) and they only charge 300+ (can be deduct from medisave) and 200+ for DNA test, but not sure why they refund me back the 200+ DNA test for my this 3rd pregnancy.. :tlaugh:


so far its abt $300+- from TMC or KKH.

in KKH they will 'encourage' u to take most of the pregnancy tests like this one.

Daddy D

Alpha Male
We did the detailed scanning... blood testing thingy back then.
Nothing wrong, so did not proceed with the more intrusive test which they poke some needle in to extract the fluid to test.
The different tests carries different % accuracy.
If the 1st test is not conclusive, we would consider to do the intrusive test.
But risk involved for this intrusive test.. as in chances for mis-carriage.
To us, it's more of a personal decision rather than the hospital's policy.
End of the day, we feel that the health of the unborn child is more important.

Forgot the terms of the various tests.... but u get my drift, right? :)


Well-Known Member
My previous gynae charges about 200+ for the OSCAR and 450 or so for the amniotic fluid testing if the readings from OSCAR is shown risky. Actually VroomVroomBoys is pretty right about this test, for my case, my previous gynae literally bugs me to go for it, to the extend of even forcing hubby and i to choose between two dates to do the test. That's the reason why I chose to change gynae halfway through my pregnancy. My current gynae didn't force/ coax this test on me as he believes that my age is fine.


though i hav to agree, but i do see a need to do the scan for Down ie where they look for the nasal bone and measure the fetus NT + computing the readings with mother's age to give a ratio for risk factor. if scan ok + within risk range, no need to spend on the blood test.

not sure if such scanning is available in pte clinics as they usually bundle it as OSCAR (scan+blood test) but in KKH u do hav the option to choose.

Yuki Miaka

i didnt do much tests also because got tight budget... so far onli do blood screening for HIV, blood group, and .. i cant remember liao.. anyway everything is normal... oh yah and also detail scan for baby.

down symdrome test i didnt do because doctor said my chances is low in theory...


New Member
hey mummies.. im going to 20 weeks pregnant.. dis coming 6th April,i have an appt at KKH for scanning and screening...but since its my first time and first baby,i m still confused and blur wat are these kind of tests for... for scanning,i've to go to the ADC and for screening is at the AMC side...wats da diff? and furthermore,im on a very tight budget so im worried how much dat particular appt will cost me.... the doctor at the 24hr O&G KKH wasnt at all helpful in explaining things when i went for the first scanning after being referred by a polyclinic whereby
the first scan last week,i already saw my baby's heartbeat. den doc ask me to come down in 2 weeks time (6th April) for screening only..
but few days ago i got a call from KKH asking me to come down earlier on the next appt to go for another scan first before the screening. but i didnt get to ask her y..
can anyone advise me on dis?


hey mummies.. im going to 20 weeks pregnant.. dis coming 6th April,i have an appt at KKH for scanning and screening...but since its my first time and first baby,i m still confused and blur wat are these kind of tests for... for scanning,i've to go to the ADC and for screening is at the AMC side...wats da diff? and furthermore,im on a very tight budget so im worried how much dat particular appt will cost me.... the doctor at the 24hr O&G KKH wasnt at all helpful in explaining things when i went for the first scanning after being referred by a polyclinic whereby
the first scan last week,i already saw my baby's heartbeat. den doc ask me to come down in 2 weeks time (6th April) for screening only..
but few days ago i got a call from KKH asking me to come down earlier on the next appt to go for another scan first before the screening. but i didnt get to ask her y..
can anyone advise me on dis?
in your 20th week, you have to do detailed scanning... where they check for heart beat, veins, gender, risk of down symdrom, etc, to see if the baby is doing well. that could be the reason why they call you up to go down earlier.. otherwise, you have to q for the doc and then wait for the scan again, then go back to the doc... which is much more troublesome.

adc is meant for doing detailed and more elaborate scanning.

since you are referred by poly, i guess you are under subsidies rate?

have you done the blood test already?


Didn't you have the OSCAR test at the 11th - 14th weeks? This test is fairly new (1-2 yrs) and rather accurate (abt 90%). So, if the OSCAR result is ok, you need not go for further test, unless you are above 35 yrs and have complication/poor health etc.

This OSCAR test is not in my gynane package, hence I top up another $100 plus. And of course, if further tests are required, you top up according. The down-syn. test is rather exp and pretty painful. But KKH is the best so far for down-syn, as they have a special dept. for this, as compare to the other private hospital.


New Member
in your 20th week, you have to do detailed scanning... where they check for heart beat, veins, gender, risk of down symdrom, etc, to see if the baby is doing well. that could be the reason why they call you up to go down earlier.. otherwise, you have to q for the doc and then wait for the scan again, then go back to the doc... which is much more troublesome.

adc is meant for doing detailed and more elaborate scanning.

since you are referred by poly, i guess you are under subsidies rate?

have you done the blood test already?
hi adoncia, thanks for the info and yes,i was referred by poly...

oic,but i havent done any blood test yet... whatever is it for..? rili not familiar with all these....:001_302: