After clomid, wad treatment did the Doc propose?


Well-Known Member
I had clomid for 3mths n i'm not responding well to it. My mensus was 35days,38days n 51days for the 3mths where i took clomid.

Now, the doc propose injection (follitropin) daily. it costs me $50 DAILY for each injection. For normal cases, pple will respond to the minimum dosage which is 50ml. If i'm not responding well, the Doc may increase the dosage.

The problem is, the med is really too EXPENSIVE!!! $50 per day, 1mth = 1.5k!!!!!!!! :we2wacko:

The doc told me tat to conceive, there's only 2 ways. 1 is to eat pills (clomid) but i'm not responding to it. 2nd is to inject follitropin.

The doc oso suggest SO-IUI. It will cost me $500 for the procedure only (exclude medication n consultant fee).

I'm really not sure if i shd carry on wif the treatment. Is there really 2 ways ONLY (pills n injection)??????????

R there other alternatives which u all rec after clomid?

I'm finding the treatment abit extreme. I dun mind trying the follitropin for 1mth but if this goes on for 3mths or more, it's going to be very taxing!!!!!!!!!!

Wat shd i do ? Shd i seek another gynae's opinion?

I'm really vexed n need advise :bbconfused:


Ha... me again, ask yr hubby to go jogging... wahaha.. and dun stress...

Care to try my Gynae? She is @ Gleneagles. Dr Lisa Chin.


Well-Known Member
LOL....not him go jogging arrr...its me fat plus eggs NOT growing...:weno:..sianz...:eek:10:

now, i'm on 112.5ml dosage....zzzzz....but my 6 eggs still not responding well...gynae scare if she gif me the high dosage at the start of my mensus, all the eggs will grow n risk of multipe pregnancy is too high, end of the day haf to abandon the cycle. currently, only 1 egg is growing but its rather small , so gynae is trying to push on tat egg ...

i saw it somewhere (cant rem whr arr), tat eating more protein (egg white) will help to make the egg grow...izzi true ????

any herbal soup (dang gui etc) can help too ?


I try clomid my egg big but the sperm not attacking, it may not be the wife problem, did you ask yr hubby to check his sperm?? My hubby checked his sperm, not bery good from what my gynae say, but he dun believe, then he go jogging then we let natural take it course, then Little AXL came..


Well-Known Member
got....we did the test n the gynae say my hubby's side got no problem.....

the problem is my "century" egg clomid, bo response.....taking injections now, oso not growing well.....zzzzzzzz

i wanna "pu" my egg leh......


Well-Known Member
i'm going to see my gynae today noon yaaaa....if my egg still no progess, i've to abandon tis cycle yaaaa...

wish me luck :Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
kekeke...i'm doing my IUI tomolo.....hopefully evyting turns out well...:Dancing_tongue:..i'll b the 2weeks wait liao.....very excited n scare......

but hor, i keep telling myself...dun gif myself too much presure n hope yaaaa....the more hope, the more disappointment i get.....

leave it to fate ba...

maybe i shd tink of my LOTTERY instead....LOL......:tlaugh:


Can I check how doc ask u all to take Clomid?
mine ...she asked me to take today or tmr and then take for 5days. Though my menses over 1week ago!


Well-Known Member
Can I check how doc ask u all to take Clomid?
mine ...she asked me to take today or tmr and then take for 5days. Though my menses over 1week ago!
OoOh....i took my clomid during day 3-7 of my AF.....

urs so werid de ???

my colleague oso took from day 2 to 6 of AF~


OoOh....i took my clomid during day 3-7 of my AF.....

urs so werid de ???

my colleague oso took from day 2 to 6 of AF~
hmmm i also wonder why mine so weird. But in any case, i took it still. prob doc wants to induce ovulation in case my mense dun want to come again..coz she says my LH/FSH opposite...imbalance...


Well-Known Member
hmmm i also wonder why mine so weird. But in any case, i took it still. prob doc wants to induce ovulation in case my mense dun want to come again..coz she says my LH/FSH opposite...imbalance...
dun worry too much yaaaa......

mine oso siao siao de laaaa...smtimes come 40+ days.....lately, come gif up le...LOL~


dun worry too much yaaaa......

mine oso siao siao de laaaa...smtimes come 40+ days.....lately, come gif up le...LOL~
sian hoh? with siao siao mense, how to have baby? actually mine was quite stable last time one...until i got married, then become hay wire. why ah?


Well-Known Member
sian hoh? with siao siao mense, how to have baby? actually mine was quite stable last time one...until i got married, then become hay wire. why ah?
last time, my ex-colleague oso had very irregular AF...hers is 3-4mths then come once......but she managed to get preggie after trying for 9mths....

well...tink its all depends on luck de baaa...the more stress we r, maybe the chance is lower.......

hhhhmm...after married then siao siao ??? izzi cos ur lifestyle change????
too stress ??? u put on alot of weight after married??


last time, my ex-colleague oso had very irregular AF...hers is 3-4mths then come once......but she managed to get preggie after trying for 9mths....

well...tink its all depends on luck de baaa...the more stress we r, maybe the chance is lower.......

hhhhmm...after married then siao siao ??? izzi cos ur lifestyle change????
too stress ??? u put on alot of weight after married??
hmm, maybe really depends on luck. But well, hope by taking clomid, i get to ovulate bah.
I put on weight after i got to knw my hubby..hahaha, so actually not only after marriage.


Well-Known Member
Normally after clomid they will suggest LOD - Laproscopy Ovarian Drilling.

Check it out from the internet.


Hi, May I know if you took your clomid pills exactly from Day 3 to 7?
Did you happen to miss 1 day & then continue with the pill the next day?
Coz I was put on clomid pills for 2 months & I was supposed to take it from Day 2 to 6 of my menses, but somehow or the other, I always forget to take on 1 day... And I continued taking it the next day. So I am not sure if this is the reason why I did not conceive... If you accidentally miss one day, it should not affect that much right... Sighs...


I try clomid my egg big but the sperm not attacking, it may not be the wife problem, did you ask yr hubby to check his sperm?? My hubby checked his sperm, not bery good from what my gynae say, but he dun believe, then he go jogging then we let natural take it course, then Little AXL came..
Jogging helps??? Mty hubby goes jogging regularly leh, but I still have no good news...

May I know how exactly is the sperm test done & when should it be done? To be exact, how many months of trying should one undergo before checking spouse's sperm?


Jogging helps??? Mty hubby goes jogging regularly leh, but I still have no good news...

May I know how exactly is the sperm test done & when should it be done? To be exact, how many months of trying should one undergo before checking spouse's sperm?
heh, i think it all depends on how kiasu u want to be in checkg bah.i pretty ks coz didnt want to waste time. So 2nd visit to gynae i told her my hubby want to check his health also....