Do you believe it?


Anybody here who really believe GOD is fair... Why do i say that bcos im not cruel, i jus feel happy that below the story.....

2yrs ago i give birth to my 2nd gal who was birth on nearly CNY and so called what we "chinese" said we confinement is DIRTY! But i dun pa tan in tat. Well, wat really hurt me is Frz can find excuses in not visiting you in CNY but worse is My MIL, FIL and SIL.... all find excuses (as CNY stil gt 2public holiday,dun nd to work)not even cm and visit me and go celebrate CNY.

Well, recently found out that my SIL is preggy with her no.2 and her EDD is on nx year 2nd day of CNY. and i believe mostly 2nd child wil cm out earlier so no matter hw early is it, it stil wil galen CNY as it tk 1mth to be full confinement.

So I myself always believe in as a "family mem" you wan treat sm one so mean....or find excuses.... well, 1day you galen it and yes they galen. I loves to nag bcos if i dun say out abt al my anger, i galen depression.. but i always say and nag and i nv treat anybody mean...

Above the story is not i happy of anything. i jus glad tat they wil nod it when time cm and hw they treated me 2yrs ago when i give birth to my 2nd gal.


Well-Known Member
Anybody here who really believe GOD is fair... Why do i say that bcos im not cruel, i just feel happy that below the story.....

2yrs ago i give birth to my 2nd gal who was birth on nearly CNY and so called what we "chinese" said we confinement is DIRTY! But i dont pa tan in that. Well, what really hurt me is Frz can find excuses in not visiting you in CNY but worse is My mother in law, father in law and sister In law.... all find excuses (as CNY stil gt 2public holiday,dont need to work)not even cm and visit me and go celebrate CNY.

Well, recently found out that my sister In law is preggy with her no.2 and her EDD is on nx year 2nd day of CNY. and i believe mostly 2nd child wil cm out earlier so no matter hw early is it, it stil wil galen CNY as it tk 1mth to be full confinement.

So I myself always believe in as a "family mem" you want treat sm one so mean....or find excuses.... well, 1day you galen it and yes they galen. I loves to nag bcos if i dont say out about al my anger, i galen depression.. but i always say and nag and i never treat anybody mean...

Above the story is not i happy of anything. i just glad that they wil nod it when time cm and hw they treated me 2yrs ago when i give birth to my 2nd gal.
wow...if my family members wld have ostricise me like tht coz of some pantang..i wld be having their heads for lunch..hehhehe.
But seriously family shld come first b4 all these superstitions n wht nots.If they choose to hold on to these pantangs then i wld be sure to cut them out of my life.Pple say its more easily said than done but i have done it n with no regrets!!!Dont want such negative influences in my life where pantangs cant be overlooked over the happiness n well being of the individual.


Well-Known Member
my boy's full month was done on 3rd day of CNY. alot of my frens say CNY cannot hv such celebration but my parents din care and went ahead. all my relatives came, all my frens came :)


Is there such a pantang? your hubby never ask his parents or sister???

I was born in CNY's eve and my mum says everyone was excited... Oh yes, i got a lot of ang baos the next day of course (when i was 1 day old)!!


Well-Known Member
sometimes cannot too pantang la!! if the baby really born during CNY, is fate mah... actually very good also, every year take double angbaos... :001_302:

actually it doesn't matter if relatives come to visit you anot, most impt is they must remember to give full month angbao!!! :001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, for baby (and parents), double angpau is my bro - born during 2nd day of CNY. Maybe our family not so pantang plus my bro was the first grandchild on my dad's side - after seven over girls, I think my grandparents threw all that pantang nonsense out the window! :)

Personally I would say padan muka, now is the time for them to learn their lesson but part of me won't be surprised if they bend the rules and say that they dont't believe in these things with your SIL. :/


I agreed with you mummies.. Actually i always believe in it, it not the patang they r. it they MAYB upset over i give birth to anther gal or all these while they dun like me so they treat me so...

And i also believe when cm to her dd, their relative wont treat me so cos they din not dun like her.. But this mk my inlaw side MALU! cos they treated ppl (espec me a direct fam) like tat. wby ppl dun. And i wont treat them bk like that when time comes. I wil do very steady to mk them feel so MALU. hahaha!

Everytime cm to me, they gt alot of excuses no matter towards wat. Anyway im sick of it. I post this out bcos as i mention "Do not treat ppl too mean, you sure wil galen it. Jus tat the timing only"


Well-Known Member
I agreed with you mummies.. Actually i always believe in it, it not the patang they are. it they MAYB upset over i give birth to anther gal or all these while they dont like me so they treat me so...

And i also believe when cm to her dear daughter, their relative wont treat me so cos they did not not dont like her.. But this mk my inlaw side MALU! cos they treated ppl (espec me a direct fam) like that. wby ppl dont. And i wont treat them back like that when time comes. I wil do very steady to mk them feel so MALU. hahaha!

Everytime cm to me, they gt alot of excuses no matter towards what. Anyway im sick of it. I post this out bcos as i mention "Do not treat ppl too mean, you sure wil galen it. just that the timing only"
strongly agree! if giving birth to girl is the reason why they treat u this way, i think they ought to be shot!

ur mil not woman? ur sil not woman? ur fil, ur hubby, and whoever male in ur in laws side not given birth by WOMEN meh?? in fact nowadays MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL!!!!!! :001_302:


strongly agree! if giving birth to girl is the reason why they treat you this way, i think they ought to be shot!

your mother in law not woman? your sister In law not woman? your father in law, your hubby, and whoever male in your in laws side not given birth by WOMEN meh?? in fact nowadays MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL!!!!!! :001_302:

Agreed! and i love motherhood forum.. you all mummies totally understand hw i feel.. sorry to say tat wby sm other are playing and joking over my post.. i wonderwhy? this topic is nt to joke abt.. it so sad to be treated like this isnt it? dun understand sm ppl?????


wonderywhy, u know why others are treating u lightly on ur same post in some other forum. Surprisingly ur replies are so different fm the other forum.


Well-Known Member
To be frank, I really really hate those people who look down on other women just because they gave birth to girls or are pregnant with girls. My own parents while excited that I'm having a baby, keep bugging me to have a boy. My hubby also finds it annoying. Geh.

Like Regina said, what's wrong with having girls? And what's more annoying is that the people who pander this crap about boy, boy, boy most of the time are other WOMEN. What's worse is when you tell them off, they make fun of you and tell you that it's a small issue, you should just accept it coz people are like that, etc. *waves middle finger at all of them*


Well-Known Member
If I'm pregnant with a gal, my parents will go on a shopping frenzy!!!!
I was so absolutely jealous when my fren was preggie with a gal!! I'm gonna buy loads of nice nice clothes for her gal :) just like what I did for my niece!

Wonderwhy, I totally believe that how they treat ppl is how they will be treated in future. I just heard from my friend that those ppl who treated me badly last time are experiencing what they did to me when I was preparing for my wedding. But now it's way worse because they lost face in front of all their relatives who specially came to SG for the wedding. That woman who wanted to destroy my wedding got her own wedding destroyed in front of all her guests. Who ask her to be so 'loose' and sleep with her bosses just to get promoted. All back-fired at her wedding dinner.

I'm not gloating but I just feel that some justice is done. I pity the mother of that woman bcos she is a very nice woman but too bad she got such a daughter who enjoy destroying other's lives, end up her own live get destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Stonston, sounds dramatic - the whole sleeping with the boss thing...don't tell me that people at her wedding dinner found out ar? O.O


Well-Known Member
Meiteoh, I'm not sure what happened exactly but apparently someone they invited to the wedding drank too much and spilled the beans about his 'fun times' with her.
That is what I heard from my friend who is one of the jie mei.

But it's true. Bcos her parents found out when they got someone to follow her bcos she started going home very late and she was not with ur BF (cos the parents worried then called the BF to ask).


wonderywhy, you know why others are treating you lightly on your same post in some other forum. Surprisingly your replies are so different fm the other forum.
Sorry to say that ofcos my replies is so diff fr other forum. Cos i mux see the question tat ppl reply too. But my post is the same. :)

Other forum can fr this topic making a fun which i dun find it fun when sm1 being treated....

And this forum nv do that. jus all question and reply.. :)

Hope you understand wat i mean.


Is there such a pantang? your hubby never ask his parents or sister???

I was born in CNY's eve and my mum says everyone was excited... Oh yes, i got a lot of ang baos the next day of course (when i was 1 day old)!!
Wow!!! 1 DAY old & u got ang pao!!! Lucky u!!! Did u say 'thank you' back then? LOL.


If I'm pregnant with a gal, my parents will go on a shopping frenzy!!!!
I was so absolutely jealous when my friend was preggie with a gal!! I'm gonna buy loads of nice nice clothes for her gal :) just like what I did for my niece!

Wonderwhy, I totally believe that how they treat ppl is how they will be treated in future. I just heard from my friend that those ppl who treated me badly last time are experiencing what they did to me when I was preparing for my wedding. But now it's way worse because they lost face in front of all their relatives who specially came to SG for the wedding. That woman who wanted to destroy my wedding got her own wedding destroyed in front of all her guests. Who ask her to be so 'loose' and sleep with her bosses just to get promoted. All back-fired at her wedding dinner.

I'm not gloating but I just feel that some justice is done. I pity the mother of that woman bcos she is a very nice woman but too bad she got such a daughter who enjoy destroying other's lives, end up her own live get destroyed.
Wow. That sounds like Channel 8 drama material. She should not have been so foolish as to invite one of her ex-partners to the dinner.
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Well-Known Member
hmmm, dont understand why need to post 2 same threads at 2 diff forums?
maybe bcos ppl at the other forum dont agree with u, thus need to gain ppl's acknowledgement here?
if its just venting, i dun think need to post so many places.

but, to each of his own, prob u just feel better since ppl agree with u here. :)


Well-Known Member
If i'm not wrong, the guy is her current boss i tink. how can u not invite ur boss to ur wedding if u got invite colleagues n need to take leave fm work? anyway, it's none of my business. she wanna mess up her life is her problem. i'm doing just fine without them :)