young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Well-Known Member
ok, got some tasks to do. Jap lagi free aku jengok sini. But i think korang smua nak chao cepat kan. Have a nice weekends you all. Babes you all can songeh till 5-5.30 ok, Njoy!

Enflor is thinking :err:
The only regular sane one here is Cool Su. Aku nak suggest dia tukar nick. I loikkke her forum aura. lis pun ada mood: giler, garang, baik, serious..dia pun kepala angin just like me cikit.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Wei! Apa cerita tu.. Mengumpat pasal aku kan.. Ishk!! Ishk!! Ishk!!.. Kan dosa cakap pasal aku.. Korang ni apa lah.. Tak sempat ku nak baca smua seh cuma ku nampak most post ada nama Mama Ina.. Pelik tapi benar tu.. hmmm.. Ah Ayu & Diana seronok cakap pasal aku?? Haiyak!!! BWek!! haahaaha..

Eh mahal nye pasal nak kuruskan badan tu.. Pengsan baby..!!! Bukan baby je, baby tua pun ikut pengsan jgk trus masok ICU nye bila dengar $2K.. Heeheehee... Ni kalau i cakap dengan suami dia mesti cakap, jangan nak buang2 duit.. Mari i kurus kan u.. WOW!! Itu ku suka tapi tak kurus2 pun... haiz!! I tengok my hubby yang kurus seh.. Salah position kot??? Wahahahahahahaa...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
ok, got some tasks to do. Jap lagi free aku jengok sini. But i think korang smua nak chao cepat kan. Have a nice weekends you all. Babes you all can songeh till 5-5.30 ok, Njoy!

Enflor is thinking :err:
The only regular sane one here is Cool Su. Aku nak suggest dia tukar nick. I loikkke her forum aura. lis pun ada mood: giler, garang, baik, serious..dia pun kepala angin just like me cikit.

Enflor, i suspect kuat u ni memang suka dive ehk?? Cos i tengok u kejap ada kejap takde.. Tengelam timbul je keje dia, tak leh duduk diam2.. Ishk! Ishk! Ishk! Kesian.... Apa yang pasal cool su and lis?? Apa crita??

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
GoodBye my darling frenz.. Have a nice weekend.. Kalau tengah seronok2 tu jangan lah lupa kan Mama Ina ye.. Hani aku tahu malam ni atau besok kau mesti menjelma di msn.. haaahaahaaa.. Lis malam lapar order lagi dari ku.. haahaaa.. Ayu & Diana tolong jangan mimpi pasal aku lak takut nanti suami korg ingat apa seh.. haahaa kecoh nye olang!! Enflor, POMPOM dah siap blum nanti dah siap call me k.. haahaahaa... Ok lah ladies.. Bye, love u all, Enjoy and take care, see u on Monday... Mwwuuuaacckk!!! :we2Randy-git:


Active Member
wokey ladies..times up!!
enjoy ur weekends yar!!
mimpi daku dalam tidurmu...chewah!
c u ladies!

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
go mummy go.. Shake ur bonbon, darling.. Ku bosan ar! Nak main game pat sini nye pasal kena post 5kali. Hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Ina takda TGIF ke smalam ?

Ok, just got news that kena attend a kenduri (the other side) this evening...ish, BORING!!!!!:20: So not looking forward to it. Baru ingat nak drive around Orchard.


Well-Known Member
Ina!!!! I dah enrol driving license BUT as private candidate kat SSDC. My hubby suruh i jadi private... lebih senang. So my Basic Theory Test i book on 13 Aug. Heheheh... tgh semangat ni.
i pun enrol kat SSDC as private candidate...
I nak book another BTT...that time failed


Well-Known Member
Hi Mummies,

Being very2 Busy lately at sch....Confirmed 5 cases of H1N1 at school....Few classes pun kena closed down....
Office jgn ckp,kecoh mcm dlm pasar.....3 of my collegues on 1wks mc so left with 3 ppl jek to cover theirs duty..Pengsan....Really mentally tired....

Just imagined tak sempat breakfast OR worst skali baru masok jek table dah berlambak ngan keje...

Next weeks will be another hectic days......

krg suka crite pat sexy2 ne ekh....I pun mcm enflor & lis....Dah low down semua tu..semenjak dah pakai tudung..Sexy2 ne semua utk hubby jek....Dah puas zaman sexy2 ne....clubbing is one of my weekend activity dulu....Alhamdulilah my parents tak kisah sebab nakal dulu pun dgn my hubby.....So my hubby c how i grow from teen to adult...heheh...

Hubby like me with light make up now...

Nari,i try to bake muffin blueberry...terkeras sikit ...1st time baking...nak cuba2....

Jap lg nak gi some shopping there

To Erra,

Hi....Intro sikit....hw old are u?


Well-Known Member
Wah Ana, so many cases of H1N1. Workforce pun macam kadam kat your office. Can imagine the chaos in the office.

Oh, Ana pun dulu havoc eh. Well, my past entah eh, growing kids and family have kept me grounded, alhamdulillah. Feels that there is a limit to everything, just a matter of when to change for the better.

Just glad that i've stopped my latenights partying lifestyle and glad too that past experiences have made me learned a lot. Has taken slow and steady climb toward my current calm lifestyle now. So when comes to my kids jadi teens or young adults, they all cannot kelentong this mama.:tlaugh:

yeah, i managed to taichi from attending the kenduri. Only BOSS went. Yippeee!
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Well-Known Member
good morning ladies..!! hehe.. i know.. i'm early today.. and further more.. it's only sunday today.. so i'm just talking on my own..

niwae, woke up now.. getting ready for husband to get back home from work.. then we'll be heading down to geylang.. jln2.. then maybe to somewhere else.. but not sure of a place yet.. coz nari ade kereta.. so kite mereyap2 before sending the car back to the owner.. hehe.. :001_302:

yesterday, spent our(son and me) time cheering for husband's soccer team.. they had a matches among the other teams in their co.. haha.. they came in 3rd.. rather, they draw ol the 5 games.. haha.. :tlaugh: until there was one point of time. a fight broke out.. but it was managed in time.. it was the other's team fault actually. they played soO rough.. perasan mcm main team Arsenal plak.. one of the player 'sapu' kaki player kite quite a no of times.. itu pon ref tak kasi red card kt tu org.. die kasi red card kt player kite plak..! that ref, kite boleh nmpk sgt yang die tk suke our team.. mcm aku nk lesing jek tu ref ngan player2 tu.. then waktu tgh ade ade fite btn the 2 players, skali dtg nie abeng nk step gadoh jugak.. tapi tkde care, pkol curik dari belakang, then one of our friend tu ape lagi, pusing blakang terus kasi die balek ..!! haha.. :001_302: tu part kn, ramai player2 team lain smuer nmpk. drg smuer da kecoh.. smp ckap "eh you watch out ar..! later outside you watch out ar..!!" smp muke abeng tu pon da cuak.. khakhakha..

tpi memang .. from my opinion, lelaki2 'cin' nie.. drg tk brani nk ade ape2 ngan budak 'mel' kite.. psl kite nye org lebih pandai and brani 'go'.. drg mane pandai.. kalau pandai pon taekwando.. haha.. zaman bile sey nk pkai art taekwando die dlm fight..?? hahaha.. ~

okok.. i stop here now.. aku nie, bual srg2 plak kt cni pagi2.. cerita psl sports pulak tu.. i wonder if any of you here were interested to hear.. hee.. hee.. :shyxxx:
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