What beverages do you order?


Really? papaya can cause miscarriage? I only heard of pineapples. oh well, I'll be so glad to spread the news. Getting sick of papayas. haha.

Yeah, am trying to take good care but afraid that I'm not doing enough. :embarrassed:
I think it's true lah cos my sis fren got miscarriage. Scary right. Somemore my gynae also told me so cant be fake bah.


Really? papaya can cause miscarriage? I only heard of pineapples. oh well, I'll be so glad to spread the news. Getting sick of papayas. haha.

Yeah, am trying to take good care but afraid that I'm not doing enough. :embarrassed:

i didnt know that papayas and pineapples causes miscarriage...when i was pregy with dd...i craved for pineapples for like a month...i eat pineapple (like half of a whole fruit) with a glass of fresh milk at a very early hour in the morning (5:30am)...i ate pineapple everyday... my craving for pineapple happend at the 1st trimester.


Well-Known Member
china type of barley is "liang" but not the normal "coffeshop" type.. I was happily drinking it daily during my pregnancy
huh? Got different types of barley? I thought coffeeshop barley is the same as those normal barley out there?

i didnt know that papayas and pineapples causes miscarriage...when i was pregy with dear daughter...i craved for pineapples for like a month...i eat pineapple (like half of a whole fruit) with a glass of fresh milk at a very early hour in the morning (5:30am)...i ate pineapple everyday... my craving for pineapple happend at the 1st trimester.
I heard about pineapples from the elders/seniors. Thus don't dare to touch them. lol. My hubby's grandma told me that when she heard that she was pregnant, she didn't want the child, so everyday ate pineapple...but yeah..it didn't work. :001_302:

I think it's true cos my sis friend got miscarriage. Scary right. Somemore my gynae also told me so cant be fake bah.
Aiks, its better to be safe than sorry right. When I told the elders/seniors that, they were like" its ok to eat, once a day is enough". .....
But I rather not take the chance.:nah:


huh? Got different types of barley? I thought coffeeshop barley is the same as those normal barley out there?

I heard about pineapples from the elders/seniors. Thus dont't dare to touch them. lol. My hubby's grandma told me that when she heard that she was pregnant, she didn't want the child, so everyday ate pineapple...but yeah..it didn't work. :001_302:

Aiks, its better to be safe than sorry right. When I told the elders/seniors that, they were like" its ok to eat, once a day is enough". .....
But I rather not take the chance.:nah:

My gynae told me if really got craving for papaya, take once a week is okay but not more than that. But i didn't eat papaya at all.


Well-Known Member
My gynae told me if really got craving for papaya, take once a week is okay but not more than that. But i didn't eat papaya at all.
Yeah better not take the chance. If I got cravings for them, then I might consider. But i highly doubt so.

YaY! , another drink to add to my list...Ribena! After caffeine has been cut out from my diet, I don't really have much choices of beverages to choose from. =(


Yeah better not take the chance. If I got cravings for them, then I might consider. But i highly doubt so.

YaY! , another drink to add to my list...Ribena! After caffeine has been cut out from my diet, I dont't really have much choices of beverages to choose from. =(

I only got craving for honeydew. Haha.

New Mama

Grandmother told me not to take orange or orange juice, as she says will cause lots of phlegm for the baby.
Cannot take orange??? I have been taking quite a bit of orange and orange juice. Thought rich in Vitamin C so should be good..oh oh


Well-Known Member
Cannot take orange??? I have been taking quite a bit of orange and orange juice. Thought rich in Vitamin C so should be good..oh oh
That's what hubby's grandma told me. But then I practically took orange juice everyday during the 1st mth before this news was relayed to me. She just say baby will have alot of phlegm.

Anyway, I agree, most importantly take everything in moderation. Taking it once in a while should be alright no problem. I miss my caffeine...:shyxxx:
Now my in-laws are downing kiwis on me everyday. goodness. haha.


Well-Known Member
kiwi is highly recommended?
Not sure. I think I read somewhere that kiwi is alright. But as i say eat in moderation. Doc just told me to eat more fruits and vegs, avoid undercook products, everything that goes into my mouth must be fully cook (so salmon sushi is out for me), try to avoid shellfish and cut down on caffeine, never ask me to stay away from anything specifically. Its my in-laws who decides what I eat and what-not to eat. Its sometimes hard when the doctor instructions and my in-laws instructions start to clash, for example, soft boiled eggs. The eggs are not fully cooked , but my in-laws insists that its alright and good. *sigh*. Thank goodness my parents didn't demand me to follow anything.

Even on days I have no appetite, I force myself to eat more veg and more soup.

Doc only gave me folic acid, no vitamins whatsoever. When I asked her about it, she told me that she rather give it to me much later, as those vitamins and such usually contain synthetics which she rather not give.

Just make sure you take good take of yourself and don't fall sick. More vitamins is better than falling sick in my opinion. my aunt got a cough during her 3rd pregnancy, and somehow the meds that the doc had prescribed affected her baby somehow, and my cousin was born with some gum and teething problems.

New Mama

Doc just told me to eat more fruits and vegs, avoid undercook products, everything that goes into my mouth must be fully cook (so salmon sushi is out for me), try to avoid shellfish and cut down on caffeine, never ask me to stay away from anything specifically. Its my in-laws who decides what I eat and what-not to eat. Its sometimes hard when the doctor instructions and my in-laws instructions start to clash, for example, soft boiled eggs. The eggs are not fully cooked , but my in-laws insists that its alright and good. *sigh*. Thank goodness my parents didn't demand me to follow anything.
yaya... my hubby also wanted me to eat more eggs. So he suggested half-boiled eggs but I read somewhere to avoid uncooked or semi-cooked food, including half-boiled eggs. So better not risk taking.

The following is extracted from BabyCenter Singapore
Some foods are no-nos

During pregnancy you should try to avoid:

• raw seafood, such as oysters or sushi (unless the sushi or sashimi is freshly prepared under hygienic conditions)

cheeses with a white, "mouldy" rind, such as Brie and Camembert, and blue-veined cheeses like Stilton. All these cheeses could contain listeria, a bacteria that could harm your baby.

• pate, raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and eggs (cook all meat until there are no pink bits left and eggs till they are hard). All are possible sources of bacteria that can harm your unborn child.

• liver and liver products (pate, liver sausage) should be avoided, too, because they may contain large amounts of the retinol form of vitamin A, too much of which could be bad for your developing baby.

• It is recommended that some women avoid peanuts and foods that contain them. If you, your partner, or any of your other children (if you have any) have a history of allergies such as hayfever, asthma, or eczema, avoiding peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding may reduce your baby's chances of developing a potentially serious peanut allergy.

• Many women choose to avoid or cut down on alcoholic drinks during pregnancy, too. Drinking too much alcohol can cause physical defects, learning disabilities, and emotional problems in children, so many experts recommend that you give up alcohol completely while you are pregnant.

If you decide to drink alcohol during your pregnancy, experts recommend that you drink no more than one or two units of alcohol, no more than once or twice a week, and don't get drunk.

• You might want to cut down on caffeine, too. This may be easy for women who are suddenly revolted by the stuff during their first trimester, but that doesn't happen for everyone.

Why is caffeine a potential problem? Research has linked consuming more than 300mg of caffeine a day with an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight, and one study has linked even 200 mg of caffeine a day to miscarriage.

To be on the safe side stick to no more than three mugs of instant coffee, three cups of brewed coffee, six cups of tea or eight cans of cola per day. Or, you may want to be more cautious and cut down further on caffeine, or switch to non-decaffeinated hot drinks and colas, instead.


Everyday milo. sometimes holick and cereals.

My Gynae say NO coffee. Tea, cold drinks cannot always drink too.