EDD in Oct'09



I have a same situation with you but encounter a big problem now...


My nipple is sore and crack....

So painful when feed him and my baby like always not full when I breastfeed him..

What should I do.. :embarrassed:

Cry few time about this matter...
aiyo no worry 1st few days is colostrum very little only..

U can give more feeds la to trigger more supply ( that is wat i doing ) If really not enuff i will supplement formula too. Cos my baby jaudice need drink more milk to poo and pee ( flush out jaudice )

Usually 1st week supply is low:
1st to 3days is COlostrum
abt 4 to 6 days or so is transition milk ( very low supply oso )
then is followed by BM ( will increase as u nurse )

Don give up keep nursing. If sore hor like me express out to feed ( but i prefer latch on )

For those i express out i will pour into formula give my gal or boi. Anyway i not much to store alwiz express 10 to 20ml nia LOL


Active Member
aiyo no worry 1st few days is colostrum very little only..

you can give more feeds to trigger more supply ( that is what i doing ) If really not enuff i will supplement formula too. Cos my baby jaudice need drink more milk to poo and pee ( flush out jaudice )

Usually 1st week supply is low:
1st to 3days is COlostrum
about 4 to 6 days or so is transition milk ( very low supply also )
then is followed by breast milk ( will increase as you nurse )

dont give up keep nursing. If sore like me express out to feed ( but i prefer latch on )

For those i express out i will pour into formula give my gal or boi. Anyway i not much to store alwiz express 10 to 20ml nia LOL

Sore and crack nipple still can pump?

I also pump out since lacth on is so painful for me...

My milk flow increase these 2 days increase from 20ml to 50ml..

But still not enough for my boy.

His intake is about 80ml each feeding, so I will let my baby drink my breast milk than additional with formula milk... :001_302:



Sore and crack nipple still can pump?

I also pump out since lacth on is so painful for me...

My milk flow increase these 2 days increase from 20ml to 50ml..

But still not enough for my boy.

His intake is about 80ml each feeding, so I will let my baby drink my breast milk than additional with formula milk... :001_302:
pump cant la haha.. i manual express



Sore and crack nipple still can pump?

I also pump out since lacth on is so painful for me...

My milk flow increase these 2 days increase from 20ml to 50ml..

But still not enough for my boy.

His intake is about 80ml each feeding, so I will let my baby drink my breast milk than additional with formula milk... :001_302:
hueychye mummy,

same same my boy also drk abt 80ml..
maybe u apply cream or there's some nipple lotion 1..
tat time i also abit sore n lil bleed,he suck till skin bit peel.. i also renn n let him latch..
den worst is he latch on left side dun like to latch on right side.. so right side i pump out and standby..store milk milk for him..

jus now my boy throw up everything he drank.. cos my mil nvr burp properly..sad..throw up on me siahh.. haiz.. change his clothes.. wanna drk agn.. this time i burp him.. den now he slpg ler... ZZzzZZZ



Active Member
congrats karoru mummy...
i tell you.. that day my lil graham also didnt go home w me..due to jaundice..i tell myself its ok....got pediatrician & nurses take care good...if not go back we scare we never take care of him well..
then i hubby go in the nursery see him like ultra man like that under the light... his eyes red red.. i cant help it and cry all the way from hospital till home..!!! wth

hi hakisumi,

i still haven't pop out yet, maybe i should move to november mtb haha..
well this friday would be the last check up..i feel like asking to induce rightaway =( my back is killing me, hip so sore sometime..really in big trouble:embarrassed:

when my 1stborn was under light with eyes covered like ultraman i also feel like crying suddenly but embarrased infront of nurses so tahan..when i the pediatrician ask me to admit my gal coz high jaundice i also cry... then when i went back home and see baby cot empty i also cry haha... i feel like in a bollywood movie.



Active Member
Hi all...
sigh.. i am like having war-time.. hahahaa..
when baby back with me.. 3am milk milk 6am milk milk..
then i ll bring him under the sun shine abit..jaundice..
then shower him... almost 9 plus 10..milk again...
then i shower myself. pump milk..standby for my massage time he hungry then parent in law can feed him.. yo... diapers milk diapers milk... ahhahahahaha
almost gg crazy...like mad woman.. then i didnt wash hair.. OOpz.. :X
-ji pek chey... sometimes really wanna sleep..but just cant sleep...but see him i ll smile ....

till now i havent go for my big nature call.. how ? can drk the fibre-gel? or any recommendation?

my baby also different blood me n hubby.. weird
i thought baby n mummy shld b the same...

tell you all something funny, today i went for pediatrician checkup... me n hubby never bring anything with us.. forgot the health booklet..nvm.. cos our last conversation, the pediatrician like forgot to mention to me... then no diapers n nth.. i am milk bar also ok...
we so scare he POOPOOPOO....n crYYYYYYY...
then we see all parents alot of things make us more worry.. then i told my hubby...nvm..anything just buy from the retail shop...

as you all know... go doctors always wait 1hr but see only 5 mins... damn...

luckily he very co-operative.. otw home i latch him in the car.. lucky.....

what a experience man~

can you all imagine.. i am like having my breakfast cum lunch..almost dnr.. and typing in the thread.. is like go toilet also need to multi tasking..ahhahahaha
haha, ya tat is why women are born multitasking la..haha..

me was very kiasu, first time going out with baby i bring big bag thou only for few hours..haha...so big like i'm going to travel for 1 week lor!:tlaugh:


Active Member

last time the doc advised me to drink prune juice so can go toilet easily.

but i eat apple secretly coz inlaw say can't eat fruit...but who can tahan, so many heaty stuff...



last time the doc advised me to drink prune juice so can go toilet easily.

but i eat apple secretly coz inlaw say can't eat fruit...but who can tahan, so many heaty stuff...
I don't dare to touch fruits yet. I am drinking prune juice now. Initially there wasn't even vegetables in my the first week of my confinement. Now there's vegetables after my special request. Haha...

I'm doing confinement. Only bathe once a week. Thinking of wiping my body later with warm water. So ley chey...

Anyway, my boy' skin is very dry. Anyone has recommendations on baby lotions that are good for moisturising the tot?


hi hakisumi,

i still have not't pop out yet, maybe i should move to november mtb haha..
well this friday would be the last check up..i feel like asking to induce rightaway =( my back is killing me, hip so sore sometime..really in big trouble:embarrassed:

when my 1stborn was under light with eyes covered like ultraman i also feel like crying suddenly but embarrased infront of nurses so tahan..when i the pediatrician ask me to admit my gal coz high jaundice i also cry... then when i went back home and see baby cot empty i also cry haha... i feel like in a bollywood movie.

JY just awhile more



last time the doc advised me to drink prune juice so can go toilet easily.

but i eat apple secretly coz inlaw say can't eat fruit...but who can tahan, so many heaty stuff...
wat u eat so heaty? i can poo leh... in Hosp the morning after delivery i poo le.. 2 hr after delivery i walk myself to pee twice..

Balance diet at home. Vege i take brocoli ( no cabbage hor ) i try take more fish ( steam promfret ) Most heaty stuff i took was my vinegar ginger trotter and sesame oil chicken.


hi hakisumi,

i still have not't pop out yet, maybe i should move to november mtb haha..
well this friday would be the last check up..i feel like asking to induce rightaway =( my back is killing me, hip so sore sometime..really in big trouble:embarrassed:

when my 1stborn was under light with eyes covered like ultraman i also feel like crying suddenly but embarrased infront of nurses so tahan..when i the pediatrician ask me to admit my gal coz high jaundice i also cry... then when i went back home and see baby cot empty i also cry haha... i feel like in a bollywood movie.

Hang in there... still a few more days to go for Oct...:001_302:


Active Member
I dont't dare to touch fruits yet. I am drinking prune juice now. Initially there wasn't even vegetables in my the first week of my confinement. Now there's vegetables after my special request. Haha...

I'm doing confinement. Only bathe once a week. Thinking of wiping my body later with warm water. So ley chey...

Anyway, my boy' skin is very dry. Anyone has recommendations on baby lotions that are good for moisturising the thought?
at hosp you get fruit to eat rite?

o u doing confinement...ehhehe..good la bathe 1nce a week...:tlaugh:

baby skin always dry one, they're adjusting to the weather... i use sebamed for body lotion, works better than johnson n johnson


Active Member
what you eat so heaty? i can poo ... in hospital the morning after delivery i poo .. 2 hr after delivery i walk myself to pee twice..

Balance diet at home. Vege i take brocoli ( no cabbage ) i try take more fish ( steam promfret ) Most heaty stuff i took was my vinegar ginger trotter and sesame oil chicken.
in hospital i also can pee riteaway after eat lunch then poo the day after, coz at hosp they serve fruits so i'm ok..

reach home, take no vege so everyday eat meat, n fish n chicken all with ginger. fried rice also with ginger... oil use sassame oil.. liver soup w/ vinegar...i like it thou but few days can't poo haha..

then when mil going out i secretly eat fruit..:001_302:

mil told me kangkong also canot eat ya?


kangkong sure CANNOT EAT~!!! so liang...
i finally went toilet ler... shiok..

my baby also skin very dry.. but i use J & J.. ok la.. used first lor..
but maybe ll change to sebamed since porakudotza mummy using..

my MIL see hospital got serve brocoli den she cook for me de..
i everyday also sesame chicken.. soup.. fish..pig kidney..etc..
abit sian.. but next week den eat vinegar..& ginger slowly..

i bath every morning w herbs.. den night before sleep i wipe body..
once a week?!!!! how to tahan??
today afternn i wash hair.. if not my hair so oily.. wth~!!

porukadotza mummy...so u wanna be a OCT mummy or Nov mummy leh??
hehehe... jia you jia you~~


25 hours is super long!!! How you tahan??!

My waterbag burst at 330am but contactions started at 8am and by 11am i deliver !! err... so my labour is very short!!! :001_302:
Sorry for late reply! Bz with baby's 1st mth and lappie was down! argh.. hmm i just tahan lor! never slp leh! very tong ku.. but now after giving birth, i wish baby was inside me lor! lol..


Hi ladies,

I hv delivered my boy on 20 October 2009. He weighed 3.6kg and measured 51cm in length. Now busy with breastfeeding... supply is quite good. From the initial 20-30ml each pumping session, I can now manage about 120ml each session (pump every 4-5 hourly). I also latch him on sometimes.



in hospital i also can pee riteaway after eat lunch then poo the day after, coz at hospital they serve fruits so i'm ok..

reach home, take no vege so everyday eat meat, n fish n chicken all with ginger. fried rice also with ginger... oil use sassame oil.. liver soup w/ vinegar...i like it thou but few days can't poo haha..

then when mother in law going out i secretly eat fruit..:001_302:

mother in law told me kangkong also canot eat ya?
ya kang kong cannot.. cos is cooling base..


Sorry for late reply! Bz with baby's 1st month and lappie was down! argh.. hmm i just tahan ! never sleep ! very tong ku.. but now after giving birth, i wish baby was inside me ! lol..
Slp while u can.. i wakie 11 or 12 daily depends on baby... my gal used to slp till 2pm with me when she was a newborn lol..

my boi oso not bad but cos jaudice not fully down yet i wakie 8 to 830am for morning sun