young malay mums, lets meet over here !!!


Active Member
aite2.... tis tym tak boleh miss nye.. have to watch.. so Oscar you gonna be my teman tonite... yeah! klu tak Han sure tido nye with the paper klu tak teman huh...
aku pun tk realise ader oscars today... dah siap2kn naufal trus aku cabut.. heehehe... ni mlm if nk tgk lak si BOSS ader.. msti dia control tu tv.. haiz...


Well-Known Member
mcm kenduri.. siap dgn my bro-in law nye mum kasi kuih... fuyooo... tapi yg bedal nasi n all this kuih are hubby n son.. ayu no-no.. hehehehe... siang hari ader jamah sket coz need energy to climb up d stairs n fetch naufal.. kena angkat weight lagi.. berat lohh... hehehehe :001_302: ni mcm ngantuk coz alone at home... hmmm...

Wah....kita same2. Cuma most times, sedut bau aje. But if i go to MIL....nak taknak, kena makan jugak depan dia but i buat very the slowwwww till she tengok lambat nahh menantu dia makan...dia sibuk balik gi kitchen so i no need to tambah. Bukan tak sedap ....what to do, ini menantu kena jaga diet dahh

lis - U think untung eh dapat fud from MIL....For me, plak rimas coz i wanna experiment cooking yg leceh2 ni smua but no chance. Nanti dia masak and I masak so fud berlambak hubby tak suka waste cam tu. So thatz y, siang2 hubby told me just do a quick fix coz his mum sure buat the elaborate ones. Mcm mana lahh Enflor nak pandai masak mcm nih.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
:Dancing_wub:Sandra Bullock won Best Actress Award. Cantik nya dia with her fire-engine red lipstick and long black hair. She's gonna be 50 soon kan.....So pretty.

JLo pun make-up dia tadi lawa and simple. Tapi dress dia biasalahh mesti nak emphasize dianya bon-bon. Kalo dia orang Melayu mesti dia kena lable makcik pantat besar. What about kalo kita2 glam mcm think people will look highly at our big butt as how others think of hers :err:
I love SANDRA BULLOCK!!!:red:

maner tu NENEK INA...
Helllooooo.... Nenek Ina lunch.. fill up energy...
ouh nenek p lunch.. hehehe..
Apa nenek nenek????


Well-Known Member
seronok ehk dpt mak ngan mother in law yang tk keje.. tiap2 hari dorang masak.. so senang2 jugak lahh nk dpt makan.. mcm lis nie.. dua2 org tua bekerja.. bukan main susah lagi nk dpt makan free.. susah nk off day sey.. boring..

Ala cian nye die... mcm so sad gitu dgr... me bila confinement free from kitchen n market cos mum wil do all the cooking either at my house or kat umah die n bring over... at tym tgk cian cos penat alik frm werk kan... klu ari2 biasa i dpt free food wen my sis or bro coming over ade jer lahh dorang bawak frm umah my mum..


Well-Known Member
smlm alik kul 9pm.. coz gi lambat.. my sis beli harem pants, shawls, shabassa n we bought for my aunt a headscarf to cover her botak head.. kesian dia nye rambut all gone due to chemo... hopefully this scarf is very airy for her to wear d whole day... ayu lak buy a shawl with flowers at d back.. tk beli byk .. coz tgh limit myself.. hehehehe... if tul2 berkenan then buy if not no need ... hehehehehe :001_302:

lis- tk pe nanti ko dah super buyong then amik cuti eh.. hehehe :tlaugh:suruh ana masak kn ko.. hehehe... ni pun mother in law aku kasi lauk coz faizal went over to buy diapers for my father in law...

shabassa apa benda ?

Itu harem pants smalam pun i belek punya belek....but i scared singkat for me coz dia getah kat bawah kan...nanti kalo duduk mesti ternaik sikit. Terpaksa lupakan. Wait for more designs to come lahh. Who design the harem pants ? Ifa ke ? Ifa ni dia designer ke ? I tengok profile, she was from the same sec sch as me...but how come tak teringat ada pernah nampak muka dia kat sch...she my senior kot.


Well-Known Member
Wah....kita same2. Cuma most times, sedut bau aje. But if i go to mother in law....nak taknak, kena makan jugak depan dia but i buat very the slowwwww till she tengok lambat nahh menantu dia makan...dia sibuk balik gi kitchen so i no need to tambah. Bukan tak sedap ....what to do, ini menantu kena jaga diet dahh

lis - you think untung eh dapat fud from mother in law....For me, plak rimas coz i wanna experiment cooking yg leceh2 ni smua but no chance. Nanti dia masak and I masak so fud berlambak hubby tak suka waste cam tu. So thatz y, siang2 hubby told me just do a quick fix coz his mum sure buat the elaborate ones. Mcm mana lahh Enflor nak pandai masak mcm nih.

oh... me if at MIL house make sure i go there with empty stomach cos i know she cooks mcm2 and she wants us to eat.. hehehe...

i masak yg leceh2 wkends jer.. puas hati... all the energy use in the kitchen.. and den tgk hubby n dotter mkan berulang... hilang penat memasak... klu masak leceh2 wkdays kan... tgk hubby mkan stakat dinner cos after werk kan, beh dotter mkan yg stakat 5minit tu... mcm tak berbaloi gitu... hehehehehe


Active Member
shabassa apa benda ?

Itu harem pants smalam pun i belek punya belek....but i scared singkat for me coz dia getah kat bawah kan...nanti kalo duduk mesti ternaik sikit. Terpaksa lupakan. Wait for more designs to come lahh. Who design the harem pants ? Ifa ke ? Ifa ni dia designer ke ? I tengok profile, she was from the same sec sch as me...but how come tak teringat ada pernah nampak muka dia kat sch...she my senior kot.
lis- tul ckp enflor.. if slalu org kasi mkn, kita tk dpt practice masak.. bad u noe.. hehehehe...

enflor- ayu if uma my mil, she noes i oways mkn sket.. so ayu mkn byk suap naufal.. tu lagi excuse hbs.. hehehehe... if dia tk nmpk, ayu passing some of mine to faizal nye plate.. hehehehe.. slamat ader hubby yg perut cm "tong sampah".. wakakakaka...

Shabassa is flower poufs yg arabian gals pakai to develop a bun on their head jadi pakai shawl nmpk lawa.. since my sis rambut very d pendek, she bought d shabassa (it's lyk sepit) den when she donned d shawl.. walah!!! nmpk d diff..:001_302: d harem pants tu if u want, den u shud get lyk mine.. it's soft n flowy... ifa's not d one yg design d pants.. hehehehe... she just bring it in to sell jek... niwae, no worries harem pants cm ayu nye duduk pun d getah stays.. juz kip it below ur ankles... try la.. :tlaugh:

Ina- nenek tu ko! wakakakakaka... NENEK INA... glam jgk pe.. niwae how ur majlis cukur.. dh licin? muahahahahah :Dancing_tongue:
Last edited:


Active Member
oh... me if at mother in law house make sure i go there with empty stomach cos i know she cooks mcm2 and she wants us to eat.. hehehe...

i masak yg leceh2 wkends jer.. puas hati... all the energy use in the kitchen.. and then tgk hubby n dotter mkan berulang... hilang penat memasak... klu masak leceh2 wkdays kan... tgk hubby mkan stakat dinner cos after werk kan, beh dotter mkan yg stakat 5minit tu... mcm tak berbaloi gitu... hehehehehe
han- mcm samer gitu.. normali wkends i cook special sket lyk nasi ayam or soto or sweet sour tu semua la.. coz hubby ader mahh... hehehehe... tgk drg mkn tambah mcm hapi gtu kan...:001_302: hubby ckp save duit dia..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
shabassa apa benda ?

Itu harem pants smalam pun i belek punya belek....but i scared singkat for me coz dia getah kat bawah kan...nanti kalo duduk mesti ternaik sikit. Terpaksa lupakan. Wait for more designs to come lahh. Who design the harem pants ? Ifa ke ? Ifa ni dia designer ke ? I tengok profile, she was from the same sec sch as me...but how come tak teringat ada pernah nampak muka dia kat sch...she my senior kot.
Harem pants?? I got buy a long pants bawah pat ankle getar.. Is that wat u all call harem pants? I bought it at Thailand that time.. heehehehee...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Shabassa is flower poufs yg arabian gals pakai to develop a bun on their head jadi pakai shawl nmpk lawa.. since my sis rambut very d pendek, she bought d shabassa (it's lyk sepit) then when she donned d shawl.. walah!!! nmpk d diff..:001_302: d harem pants tu if you want, then you shud get lyk mine.. it's soft n flowy... ifa's not d one yg design d pants.. hehehehe... she just bring it in to sell jek... niwae, no worries harem pants cm ayu nye duduk pun d getah stays.. just kip it below your ankles... try .. :tlaugh:

Ina- nenel tu ko! wakakakakaka... NENEK INA... glam jgk pe.. niwae how your majlis cukur.. dear husband licin? muahahahahah :Dancing_tongue:
Aku nenek ehk? Kau nyonya arr.. haahaaaaa Wei makcik!! Brape tu harga harem pants? Ada picture tolong post sini cket.. Kasi ku melihatnye..


Well-Known Member
hi semuaz....

panjang lebar semua bebual..Done cooking....Lemak daun Turi,sambal belacan & goreng ikan....

Wohoooo..another 5 days....


Well-Known Member
Harem pants?? I got buy a long pants bawah pat ankle getar.. Is that what you all call harem pants? I bought it at Thailand that time.. heehehehee...

HOW much u beli kat Thailand ? DO u rembr ? Sini selling $30 kan Ayu. Kalo murah kat Thailand....ermmmm ;)


Well-Known Member
Luv the harem pant so mch....Comfortable....

Anw,dah reserved satu bt till now blum sempat nak g amek..Insya allah this wks nak g...Ayu,ko uat aku tangan gatal...


Well-Known Member
hi semuaz....

panjang lebar semua bebual..Done cooking....Lemak daun Turi,sambal belacan & goreng ikan....

Wohoooo..another 5 days....

WOW....lauk kg nih smua kat rumah Ana. Enflor kalo ada menantu, menantu mcm ginilahh, my anak bujangS kena cari. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
HOW much you beli kat Thailand ? DO you rembr ? Sini selling $30 kan Ayu. Kalo murah kat Thailand....ermmmm ;)
Went to psar geylang,saw the exact quality of harem pant selling so cheap at $18 jek....Dah semangat nak beli den byk kolor out of stock...Left only PINK


Well-Known Member
han- mcm samer gitu.. normali wkends i cook special sket lyk nasi ayam or soto or sweet sour tu semua .. coz hubby ader mahh... hehehehe... tgk drg mkn tambah mcm hapi gtu kan...:001_302: hubby ckp save duit dia..

hahaha..... hubby prefered home cooked food than outside... wkend klu nak walk2 pon.. i hv to cook first... kat luar mkan... tapi bila alik... lauk wife die jugak si hubby nie cari... baru2 tak tahu kan so bila nak kuar si wife nie tak masak.. beh bila alik from walk2.. da penat2.. beh kena masak jugak... so now must cook even wkend..


Active Member
Aku nenek ehk? Kau nyonya arr.. haahaaaaa Wei makcik!! Brape tu harga harem pants? Ada picture tolong post sini cket.. Kasi ku melihatnye..
harem pants tu aku buy $30 but punye la comfy.. ni nanti stock mari aku nk buy lagi.. heheheheh... aku amik pic nanti aku post.. aku kn pemalu... hehehehehe

ko panggil aku nyonya eh.. ok la jgk.. nyonya popular pe.. smpi drama nyonya pun dpt award.. ko tk tgk ke pat channel 8 last yr.. wakakakakaka... tk pernah ku tgk nenek dpt award... unless ko jadi nenek kebayan la.. org evil slalu dpt award pe.. muahahahaha:Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
WOW....lauk kg nih smua kat rumah Ana. Enflor kalo ada menantu, menantu mcm ginilahh, my anak bujangS kena cari. :tlaugh:

heheheheh..menantu????wait if i have anak pompuan k..kite jd besan....heheheh...NNti i bleh ajar my gal lauk kampung....

Mmg faveret lauk2 kampung...lagi2 ulam2...waduihhh..enak skali


Active Member
Luv the harem pant so mch....Comfortable....

Anw,dah reserved satu bt till now blum sempat nak g amek..Insya allah this wks nak g...Ayu,ko uat aku tangan gatal...
enflor- yup here selling $30 can try see at thailand la.. hehehehe.. jgn luper ayu ok.. kekekeke.. faham2 je la enflor...:001_302:

ana- pat geylang material lain kott coz aku nye material lain tau.. aku nye drawstring.. ko nye smocked top.. heheheheh.. adik aku pun buy d smocked top... niwae, tgn ko mmg dah gatal slalu... ko ni kan minah gatal2.. wakakakaka... tk ya aku uat ko gatal (ni nanti si ina mesti fikir lain.. tu sotz nye nenek...) muahahaa :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
heheheheh..menantu????wait if i have anak pompuan k..kite jd besan....heheheh...NNti i bleh ajar my gal lauk kampung....

Mmg faveret lauk2 kampung...lagi2 ulam2...waduihhh..enak skali

Oh bisa aja...Kalo u scan dahh tahu anak gal next time...tell me, i take Q number 1. Jgn risau ni besan baik hati cuma pemalas aje :001_302: