EDD Sep 2010


Makes me look forward to my detailed scan later this month.. excited but also anxious at the same time! Do you get to keep any of the images taken, like for regular ultrasound scans? :)

I didn't manage to go to the Baby Expo this time - sorry to hear it was a let-down.. but nevermind, there will be more to come I'm sure! Maybe next time we can arrange to meet up or something hehe!


When I did the detailed scan, only the sonographer and I were in the room. Once she arrives, she started doing her job.. she was really focus and swift... constantly scanning and keying the results. I dont get to see what she is scanning at first....

Then once she has done all that she needs to do... she asked my hubby to join us in the room and we get to see the baby together... but she only briefly showed us a few area... like the heart's 4 chambers, the nose brigde, thigh bone... and a few other part of the baby, really briefly. She also showed us the sex of our baby. And further said that everything is normal...

If your issue is why the person never show you anything... then I also dont know what to say... dont know why like that... :( ... But if your issue is you never get to whether the baby is good or not... well at least the report states everything is normal ... :)

thx for your response, think i might be worrying too much.....


Hey cheng, I think what you are feeling is quite normal, any other daddy or mummy would also worry. :) But it's important to stay positive too!

I find that it's best to ask your gynae questions if you have any, either over a phone call or during your next appointment. If really dying to know, schedule another appointment in between! Don't need to feel embarrassed or afraid that they may be 'silly questions' - that's what these experts are there for. :)

So you and your wife are expecting a baby girl or boy? :p
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hey gals, i am gg for my detailed scan later... excited... hee~~
I went to the expo last sat.. so packed!!! only bot 2 sets of bb clothes.. haha.. hopefully there is a real big one coming soon.. :Dancing_tongue:


Hey cheng, I think what you are feeling is quite normal, any other daddy or mummy would also worry. :) But it's important to stay positive too!

I find that it's best to ask your gynae questions if you have any, either over a phone call or during your next appointment. If really dying to know, schedule another appointment in between! dont't need to feel embarrassed or afraid that they may be 'silly questions' - that's what these experts are there for. :)

So you and your wife are expecting a baby girl or boy? :p

my wife is expecting a baby boy. :001_302:


hey gals, i am gg for my detailed scan later... excited... hee~~
I went to the expo last sat.. so packed!!! only bot 2 sets of baby clothes.. haha.. hopefully there is a real big one coming soon.. :Dancing_tongue:

think there should be another 1 right? saw that it was in june..... not too sure though


Active Member
Makes me look forward to my detailed scan later this month.. excited but also anxious at the same time! Do you get to keep any of the images taken, like for regular ultrasound scans? :)

I didn't manage to go to the Baby Expo this time - sorry to hear it was a let-down.. but nevermind, there will be more to come I'm sure! Maybe next time we can arrange to meet up or something hehe!
I get to kp a copy of the A4 size report... There are photos inside... As well as the measurements etc...
All the best to ur scan!!!! :)


mrs eg: me also under dr wong ... i think i really need plenty of bed rest ... to recover for all the discharge..... hai .....


Active Member
mrs eg: me also under dr wong ... i think i really need plenty of bed rest ... to recover for all the discharge..... hai .....
Cool... Same doctor... She is so nice, and classy... yet no airs... Whenever I see her i havw tis tot in my mind... 'i wanna grow up like her'... Hahaha

So is the bleeding becos of the low placenta or infection?

Btw, was at yoga today n I did ask my instructor wat to look out for if I have low lying placenta... She said do not squat... Or be any position that allow ur thighs to be apart... (duno if tis include on the bed too cos i too shy to ask... Hehehe...) Cos that way the weighted placenta may sink further... And it will be good to strengthen ur pelvic muscles so that the muscles in tat area dun 'get loosen' and cause the placenta to sink further...

Hmm hope u understand wat im trying to describe here... :)


Mrs eg, I stayed in Siloso Beach Resort. Besides Universal Studio, we slept in the room, watched TV, lazed at the pool, called for room service... Basically just rot our time away...nothing much...but it was rather relaxing.

I got problems sleeping at night too. MY gynae also told me to sleep on my left side to promote better blood circulation, but I too, get numbness on my hands. I also experience backache for the past 2 nights, and the frequent toilet visits have made my sleep worse.

I went to the baby expo too! I bought 2 cots and 2 bath tubs. Having a baby is really expensive. Sigh :embarrassed: Must be calm when doing baby shopping. My friends keep telling me don't buy things on impulse, cos most likely a lot of the stuff will not be used. Hehee...


Active Member
Mrs eg, I stayed in Siloso Beach Resort. Besides Universal Studio, we slept in the room, watched TV, lazed at the pool, called for room service... Basically just rot our time away...nothing much...but it was rather relaxing.

I got problems sleeping at night too. MY gynae also told me to sleep on my left side to promote better blood circulation, but I too, get numbness on my hands. I also experience backache for the past 2 nights, and the frequent toilet visits have made my sleep worse.

I went to the baby expo too! I bought 2 cots and 2 bath tubs. Having a baby is really expensive. Sigh :embarrassed: Must be calm when doing baby shopping. My friends keep telling me dont't buy things on impulse, cos most likely a lot of the stuff will not be used. Hehee...
why buy 2??? U having twins?? :)
why everybody bought smthing... I duno wat to buy at the expo... Hahaha


Cos my MIL will be taking care of my little prince. So got to buy one and put there lor. It's the first time I went to a baby fair, so a bit overwhelmed :shyxxx: Hee...didn't know that I am so sua gu...yuan lai got much bigger fair..hahaha


Active Member
Cos my mother in law will be taking care of my little prince. So got to buy one and put there . It's the first time I went to a baby fair, so a bit overwhelmed :shyxxx: Hee...didn't know that I am so sua gu...yuan lai got much bigger fair..hahaha
oic... Hehe... So which cot u bought? The rocking one? Or the one nearest to the entrance?


Hi All.

I am a first time mum. EDD is on 23 Sep and will be going for detailed scan on thursday.

Cant wait to buy clothes for my baby after finding out the gender. =)


Hi Sept MTBs! Just wondering if anyone has tried prenatal massage at Rustic Nirvana? And has anyone heard of anything regarding postnatal massage packages from Rustic Nirvana?

Today I tried my first prenatal massage at Rustic Nirvana. Therapist was good. Chatty n experienced lady called Meili. I used one session fr my sister's package. Works out to abt $85 per session - not cheap, I feel. They tried to sell me postnatal home visit package.
5 sessions of massage, steam n 4x overnight wrap for 838 (exclusive gst) which I also feel is pricey. There's a freebie double boiler thrown in but I think that's besides the point.

Anyway just wanted to check if anyone has heard of Rustic Nirvana so I can consider whether to go with them.

Thanks! :)


New Member
Hi Mummies =)

I just came back from my Babymoon trip as well BUT is here in SG.. haha
Hv to postpone our BKK trip due to the situation, so decided to book a hotel stay in SG for the past weekend just to relax abit..

I'm so happy that I start to feel my little angel's movements now and then..! It's lovely!

Mummies, please do update us on the date and details of the next coming Baby fair ya~ Anyway, I think there's a combi stroller on sale now. Saw it at kiddy palace and a combi showroom. Usual price 400+ but now selling at 298. =)