EDD April 2011


Haha huafen, I always tell my hubby we have a "third party" nw with us!! Only when she slps at note then we can spend some time chatting heehee. But look at her slp so soundly already makes everything worthwhile..
By the way for ur boy's mosquitoes bites, u can buy Johnson baby mosquito repellent. It's liquid, like lotion like tt and safe for babies. The bottle is green in color. I tried it previously n it wks.. Otherwise u can on aircon!

Deborah, I get the stinging feeling as well n it's so uncomfrtable!! I can't slp v well cos breasts will b so hard need to wake up n pump or latch my girl.
Yest I had my first massage m the lady helped me to massage my breasts to unblock the ducts. Wow the milk literally jus shoot out!! And after tt, pumping is easier n faster! Breasts also soft after pumping.. Feels gd :)

slee, hope to see bb trinette fast! Hang on u are almost there!
wow stout to bathe baby? so now bb skin clearer??
Ya now my daughter's skin is clearer, smoother and no more of those heat rashes... It's really good. Baby mainly developed heat rashes after birth cos when they are still inside us, we take heaty food which causes them to be heaty too... So it's good to drink liang cha once we hit 7 months and above...


ya lor.. now onli when they sleep then can chit chat... even grab dinner time to chit chat.. like very pathetic... wahhahahah

tonite i going back to my own house and sleep... tml is my bb boy full mth celebration (did it one week earlier), tonite going home and secretly wash my hair and had a nice bathe... coz i dunno how to face my guest wif my smelly body and hair... wahhaah then after tat need to carry on wif my last week of confinement :(


Wahfen, u got use those chinese herbs to bathe?
emmm..actually when my niece was small, i realise that kissing on cheeks will make red spots appear.. duno.if it links regarding itchiness anot.


Joanne maybe can tell me your massage lady's contact? In case got emergency can call her! Yah i like to have the soft supple feeling! Especially after it felt like they nearly exploded right? it's a relieve... I make it a point to remove all hard lumps when pumping.

Jiayou slee going to be promoted very soon too!

Huafen how many box did you order from sweetest moments huh? i thinking od ordering from them too, the petite box :)


Hi furbee,
yup for the past few weeks of confinement, i bathe wif the chinese herbs, no soap or shampoo! only tonite, i going to use shampoo and soap to bathe.. coz tml got to face guest... i cant present myself wif my smelly body... wahahahahah


Wahfen, u got use those chinese herbs to bathe?
emmm..actually when my niece was small, i realise that kissing on cheeks will make red spots appear.. duno.if it links regarding itchiness anot.
Serious ah? i kiss eunice alot she also got red spot on her face! :p
CL said is heatiness expelling out from body she bathing her in Jin ying hua..


Lol i read as kiss the mosquito den i was like =.=|||| how to kiss, i think i par jiao..
Jin ying hua good?is use to bathe with baby bath soap together huh??
now i must take notes, so wont miss out all the info also


U all confinement strict anot? like cant walk around, must lie on bed that kind?
And ur baby need injectioms and all, heard got 5 in 1 & 6 in 1?? Must decide in hospital huuh??


Wahahaha... Chay.. I also blur blur.. I think the effect of jin yin hua I am still observing.. CL bathe her in jin ying hua water with shampoo and body wash also. It reduced a little but still have the heat rash at the moment..

For the jab I didn't decide yet. Actually they have a fixed schedule of jabs to take as per health booklet. If you have a pediatritian in mind maybe you can check on their package first? For me I don't have so Eunice had her BCG and Hep B in hospital. Then now I am deciding whether go polyclinic or private for the remaining jab. If I choose to go with the schedule on the health booklet and take at polyclinic the jabs are free.

If I choose 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 (each dose is about $80 plus), need to pay at polyclinic but it is much cheaper than the package (>$1000) I saw at the private clinic near my place.. So I still thinking.. Got 2 more weeks to think :p

Other mummies, what you chose huh??


Luckymum, she's called mdm zaliah tel: 93672244.
I really love her breasts massage (others are ok). I had super hard lumps today which she says it's becos I delayed pumping to 5 hrs cos I was slping!! Then she massage and though it hurts, but I think it's like miracle hahaha. The milk literally shoot out up n landed on my face as I was lying down.
But I m still troubled cos if dun pump/latch within 3hrs then will get engorgement, lk tt hw to rest/slp??


Luckymum, she's called mdm zaliah tel: 93672244.
I really love her breasts massage (others are ok). I had super hard lumps today which she says it's becos I delayed pumping to 5 hrs cos I was slping!! Then she massage and though it hurts, but I think it's like miracle hahaha. The milk literally shoot out up n landed on my face as I was lying down.
But I m still troubled cos if dun pump/latch within 3hrs then will get engorgement, lk tt hw to rest/slp??
Hi luvjoanne
How much does Mdm Zaliah charge per session?


Baby Trinette is finally out today at around 5pm.. Dilation from 4.5cm to 8cm and then to 10cm very fast and caught me unprepared and hence need to add on the epidural.. By 230pm, alr fully dilated but coz I was too comfortable with the epidural that I can no longer feel the contractions anymore.. So they advised to wait for the sensation to come then will try pushing..

After a couple of hrs, still no sensation so they lower the dosage of epidural.. Finally at around 5pm, I can feel slight contractions and gynae came in.. Trinette was delivered after 3 times of pushing and was over within mins..

So tired and was abit stunned when nurse put her before me, no strength and dunno how to react..

Haven had a good look or carry her much yet coz flooded by visitors alr.. Tried to breastfeed jus now but totally unsuccessful... Nurse said tat my nipples are short and 1 side abit inverted.. The nurse quite rough when trying to teach me and I kind of xin tong coz my bb seems so fragile.. So I asked them to supplement her first and I will try again tmr.. Hopefully with the help of consultant will be better..

Nurse wants me to pee, tried but can't.. Cham!!


Congrats slee!! After a long labour but seeing ur darling, u will find everything worthwhile isn't it? :)
I requested the nurses to up mu epidural jus before pushing cos I could still feel pain n I push when my gynae asked me to haha.. Totally no feeling one so I didn't even know hw much strength I used! But my gynae says they were very big pushes haha..

Very happy for u.. Rest well! As for urinating, try again tml! Jiayou and hopefully don't b like me!


Hi slee, congrats! U have done great! Envy u all wif epi u all feel nothing. Haiz. I with epi still have great pain. Haha. But find it worth it :)

yup tml morning try again. Relax n u can do it :)