EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


My carseat is inherited from a friend but I actually saw a design I like at Taka fair, the brand is Joie (Japan brand) and it's only $199. Not sure whether it can be used up to 4 years of age. Now I need to go check the carseat I've gotten from my friend how long my baby can sit until.

My baby most of the time kicks in a ripple kind of motion, can feel that she is moving alot in my tummy. But today her kicks are really hard I felt the pain when she kicks.
It's fun to see the stomach moved when baby kick! Heh

I saw mother care brand from new born to 4 yrs at 299 then britax one at 498 from mothercare at harbourfront.


Nature, were you at vivo earlier? I was there, lol.

nature59:678877 said:
It's fun to see the stomach moved when baby kick! Heh

I saw mother care brand from new born to 4 yrs at 299 then britax one at 498 from mothercare at harbourfront.
I was at harbourfront mothercare too!

The smaller see Kai run shoes promo is quite good! But too bad the free size 4 are all sold out :-(

Any of you bought any toys yet?? We bought a cow soft toy from mothercare today because have to use a voucher before it expires. May get some Lamaze toys also, they seem to have quite good reviews on amazon


High five!! Probably we did pass by unknowingly.

I only bought a musical mobile for the crib so far. Will newborns play with toys? I'm not too sure.

Katherine57:678958 said:
I was at harbourfront mothercare too!

The smaller see Kai run shoes promo is quite good! But too bad the free size 4 are all sold out :-(

Any of you bought any toys yet?? We bought a cow soft toy from mothercare today because have to use a voucher before it expires. May get some Lamaze toys also, they seem to have quite good reviews on amazon


High five!! Probably we did pass by unknowingly.

I only bought a musical mobile for the crib so far. Will newborns play with toys? I'm not too sure.
Hi Teriwinkle and Katherine, yeah we prob missed each other!
I will prob get the musical mobile as well! heh but haven gotten it yet.
Which brand of mobile did you ladies buy or intend to buy? I'm thinking of buying a gym mat with mobiles instead of the crib mobile, seems like a lot of brands have gym mat but wondering which one is good.

Hehhee I'm thinking of buying toys because wondering how to occupy the baby's time when he's awake.... Hmm unless he just drinks milk and goes back to zzzzz


I bought Baby Comfort musical mobile, that can be found at Spring Maternity coz of the sweet cupcake design I mad love. Came across it at Taka baby fair the other time too and bought it at $10 cheaper than what Spring Maternity could offer even for their members.

Am probably not getting the gym mat so soon because I have 2 dogs in my house, and don't want them to disturb my baby.

Which brand of mobile did you ladies buy or intend to buy? I'm thinking of buying a gym mat with mobiles instead of the crib mobile, seems like a lot of brands have gym mat but wondering which one is good.

Hehhee I'm thinking of buying toys because wondering how to occupy the baby's time when he's awake.... Hmm unless he just drinks milk and goes back to zzzzz


New Member
Dear All,

we r currently having a promo on infant/toddler's socks and mittens. also we have the best and latest japan/korea maternity fashion at unbelievable prices!! even if u r not preggie or just given birth, add a belt, and u r ready to go! noone will believe its a maternity dress!

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Which brand of mobile did you ladies buy or intend to buy? I'm thinking of buying a gym mat with mobiles instead of the crib mobile, seems like a lot of brands have gym mat but wondering which one is good.

Hehhee I'm thinking of buying toys because wondering how to occupy the baby's time when he's awake.... Hmm unless he just drinks milk and goes back to zzzzz
Which gym mat are you looking at? I saw the round ones find it too small and the baby will outgrow it pretty fast.
I think for the first 3 months, its just drinks and zz?
Thinking of those round or rectangle ones with mobiles hanging down then as baby grows older, can change into just an ordinary mat type. Just haven't decide on the brand
OMG u girls only gained 5-9kgs now??? i just weighed myself after my trip back from sydney.. i am 14 kgs from pre-pregnancy :we2arghh:
OMG OMG OMG 26 wks n am so fatttttt.

noooooooOOOOO but how to stop eating... i keep getting hungry!

Hi mummies, am new in this thread.
my due date is 05nov, baby gal.
so far think my baby is the heaviest.
my last gynae visit (24week4days), i gained 4kg, my baby weighs 814g. OMG!!!


OMG u girls only gained 5-9kgs now??? i just weighed myself after my trip back from sydney.. i am 14 kgs from pre-pregnancy :we2arghh:
OMG OMG OMG 26 wks n am so fatttttt.

noooooooOOOOO but how to stop eating... i keep getting hungry!
Hi Babyeskimo, welcome back! what did yr gynae say? if you are underweight to begin with, then you may gain more during pregnancy.. dont worry too much!
i am seeing him on Wednesday... sighhhh hopefully its okayyy

i took some pictures and my face is so fat! aiyooo will never be slim again. what to doo...

Hi Babyeskimo, welcome back! what did yr gynae say? if you are underweight to begin with, then you may gain more during pregnancy.. dont worry too much!


Welcome back babyeskimo!

I'm don't like taking snapshots of my face these days, looks super bloated. Take the tummy will do lol.
Hello babyeskimo! Maybe u could try eating wholemeal sandwiches..it keeps me full for a longer period of time and not so unhealthy compared to other sugary snacks..am trying to cut down on my carbo intake too as recently tummy feels painful from the stretch when I overeat.. =/
Welcome back babyeskimo!! How was the sydney trip?? Did you load up lots??

So good to be able to put on weight, I'm envious!!! Have to keep watching what I'm eating so won't put on weight. Last Friday, gynae said baby has lost some weight but still not enough :-(


Hello babyeskimo! Maybe u could try eating wholemeal sandwiches..it keeps me full for a longer period of time and not so unhealthy compared to other sugary snacks..am trying to cut down on my carbo intake too as recently tummy feels painful from the stretch when I overeat.. =/
Hi Apricotgem, I get short pains on the right side of my tummy at times too! think the muscles stretching out to accommodate the growing bb..
Ya nature, the aches feel terrible especially after eating too full. So now i keep to noodles or half portion of rice for dinner...I was thinking, is that going to be what we feel everyday in 1 to 2 months times regardless whether we eat or not since BB will be much bigger by then? Oh my goodness...